Hi, Aditya Ahluwalia this side, me and Rishabh Bose created Kukie, a messenger to recommend awesome startup resources. It can suggest over 300 resources and articles to you across 40 categories, whenever you need :)
Why did we build a bot for startup resources ? Well for the following 5 reasons -
1. We have been in the startup community since the past 18 months and the most frequent question I was asked is which tools to use to grow your business
2. This, interestingly has also been my most searched term on google - Free images, free social media management free HTML5 templates and so on. This lead me to discover https://www.producthunt.com/tech...@bramk, https://www.producthunt.com/tech...@bentossell@mubashariqbal, https://www.producthunt.com/tech...@craigbarber, https://www.producthunt.com/tech...@meseali on product hunt.
3. We wanted to share all the resources I used to learn and grow, in an easy and accessible format
4. We wanted to learn how to make a messenger bot :)
5. We wanted to make something different for the PH community to experience and consume :P
Thus Kukie :)
Here is Kukie's perpective on the first 20 of it's life - https://medium.com/@aditya_DIKY/...
Now coming to the question that how is it different?
1. Kukie is being created based on feedback from its users. How? I released Kukie about 20 days ago to my friends and a few Startup Facebook groups. I read all the conversations between my bot and users (No analytics on messenger bots up till now) and figured out the most intuitive way of structuring a startup stash for a user. I was also able to see what I was missing and what I had categorised wrong.
2. Kukie learns from all your interactions and iterates keeping the conversations fresh and relevant
3. It only shows you what you ask for, Not more (probably less :P)
4. It will talk to you in a way. so that you feel that a friend is actually recommending these resources to you
5. It will also try and inspire you to go and achieve more :)
6. Now actually all the best tools and all the awesome stashes are just a click away in your pocket (If you have a Facebook messenger app)
Kukie is a side project, my first Facebook bot to be precise. Otherwise I am the co-founder of 2 products. Planning to release both on PH soon :)
Special thanks to that chatfuel guys @ddumik, @ivan_zamesin and @wladyslaw_fedorov for building such an awesome platform - Kukie was built without using a single line of code.
We will be hanging around here the entire day to answer your questions, you can ask us anything you like :)
Would be good to see a list of these resources somewhere too...
But I was waiting for this type of bot to surface! Was only a matter of time. I started making one a while back with the framework used for botwick - Didnt have the time to keep it going ha.
Small feedback 'Checkout what I know' should be 'Check out what I know' - minor but first impression ;)
Also I see you used content from my site :) Marketing Stack
Basically I think this is a good idea for a bot but I do think it needs to accompany a website too.
@bentossell Thank you for the feedback, yes marketing stack has been a very big inspiration for us along with a lot of others. We wanted to do "check out what I know"but hit a character limit on Chatfuel CTA bar :P Lastly we felt that already a lot of amazing websites exist which you can refer for such tools... we wanted to build something different to consume. We plan to get a base website out soon for the same :)
@aadi193 ahh I see haha!
yeah I know there many different sites that offer product suggestions, articles etc - I like the idea of it being in this format, as a bot - but I think that there should be an accompanying site. I just feel that a bot may not be enough for this... its a great way to help people start consuming but then a site would be great to provide the deeper info
@francois_flt Hi so this was made using chatfuel, both of us aren't coders. This is what excited us about bots that you can actually build a useful one without using any tech and or UI/UX. For NLP I am using my and Rishabh's brain :) basically going through all conversations and understanding on which phrases Kukie is failing. I have trained it for about 3000 phrases up till now. Although it is damn tough but it helps us iterate and improve basis what our users want real time :)
@aadi193 Ok, yeah tough work, I have been there for a side project. Check out recast.ai, might be useful as they have done that job to develop a standard language processing API
Amazing product guys! Just to let you know, I use chatfuel a lot :) I really love the simplicity and the vast tools you provide to the bot developer. I have developed several bots with your platform and i'm totaly in love with chatfuel.Keep the hard work, i'm looking forward to your updates
there is no need in a #bot that makes me explain myself every time I am saying something. If the bots need to get certain command or request- it would be a good idea to list the commands and requests/ resources somewhere.
@ishaiankri thank you for the feedback. We have for now structured the conversation in a helpful manner and trained it for 3000 phrases and have also catered for basic commands like "Help", "Settings", "Home" etc. I hope I have answered your question well.
@bakelita there is a really funny story to it, Initially we called it Kuki which meant the same as above in Hungarian :) then finally settled for Kukie cuz that was cute and non offensive :)
Any reason why you used Facebook for this? I would have loved to check it out, seems more and more bots focus on messenger, i simply don't understand the reasoning behind it, is your target audience somehow mainly on Facebook maybe?
Anyway good luck.
@talkb1nary I wanted to learn how to make a bot and I am from a non coding platform. Also I wanted a lot of people to use the bot and the friends and network I have is more on FB than slack or Telegram. The easiest was to make a facebook bot - so went after that. Kukie is a project completed in 20 days :)
Congrats man, great bot for a first timer! Also a great way to contribute to the startup community! Are you using A.I., NPL or something like that at the conversations and interactions with the users? Good luck!
@plobraga Thank you :) we are glad you loved it, We are using a platform called chatfuel, it's a drag and drop Chatbot makes for messenger - You need to basically match phrases. WE read all the chats manually, see where Kukie goes wrong and improve the AI. It's a really difficult job but after 2 weeks it gives you a less than 20% failure rate :)
MOB: Mother Of all Bots
MOB: Mother Of all Bots
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