
Digital Bookshelf - A Notion space to store your content, notes and learnings.

Store, categorise and reflect on all the content you read, watch and listen to. Digital Bookshelf is the ultimate template to store all the content you read online and offline.

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👋 Hey Product Hunt What's included in the Digital Bookshelf template: ✔️ Templates for books, podcasts, articles, videos and more ✔️ Inbox to store saved content ✔️ Content by type ✔️ Content by date ✔️ Statistics for content consumed over months and years ✔️ Content by author ✔️ Content by genre ✔️ Content by rating 👉🏼 Jump over to Gumroad to find a full product description 🎉 The product is completely free! 💬 I'll be around all day so drop any questions/comments here or send me a dm on Twitter). 📚 I'm looking for articles, books or podcast recommendations to add to my Digital Bookshelf. Drop your recommendations below 👇
@fares_aktouf thanks Fares!
Maya Ben Zid
@hugh_dawkins I'm an avid Notion user and don't mind setting up my spaces, but this template looks really cool. It looks very neat and clean, just the right vibe for organizing knowledge.
@maya_ovice thanks Maya! Glad to hear even experienced Notion users find it valuable :)
Michał Żołnieruk
Congrats on the launch, Hugh! This looks well made 📚
@michal_creates Appreciate the support - thanks Michal!
Ben Lang
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