
eWise — All your financial accounts in one dashboard - For Fintech

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Don Fontijn
Are you offering the app in the video white label or are you launching an eWise app? PSD2/XS2A regulations in Europe are going to be your friend :)
mathe lucile
@donfontijn Hi Don! Our app is offered as a white labeled platform, eWise is a B2B2C company. We def see PSD2/XS2A as being a real accelerator of innovation and disruption, without doubt it will open up new opportunities for us and our clients across Europe. Looking forward to the RTS.
mathe lucile
Hi! Lucile from eWise here! I'd be happy to answer any questions you may have. eWise makes building financial apps simple by connecting easily and securely to worldwide financial institutions and providing a robust API for developers. B2B oriented