Dharma is your portal to DeFi Investing
Kayvon Tehranian
Dharma Relayer Kit — Start your own crypto business today!

The Relayer Kit lets anyone become a crypto entrepreneur in just a few steps. No bank account required.

Getting started is simple:

👩‍💻 Fork the repo

🎨 Define your own style with our unopinionated React components

🚀 Deploy to Heroku

💸 Collect real cryptocurrency through relayer fees

Congrats on launching! Tell us more about your mission and vision @bpforster24 @saturnial @nadav_hollander
Brendan Forster
cc @saturnial @nadav_hollander Hey @abadesi thanks for the kind words! At Dharma, we believe that the future of financial services is on the blockchain. Blockchains are more efficient, transparent, and programmable than traditional financial services, and we think these attributes will dramatically improve financial services businesses. Additionally, blockchains benefit from a global pool of capital, making financial services accessible to anyone with an internet connection. We envision a future where people aren't excluded from core financial services based on their birthplace. We're doing our part to make this happen by building free-to-use, permissionless software tools that empower developers and entrepreneurs to launch blockchain-based lending products as easily as possible.
Vivek Sancheti
The concept of Dharma is pretty cool. This kit will help to spread the mission. Any statistics about people using dharma protocol? or name of some cool projects which are using it? And we would like to Interview your team on https://www.cryptoground.com/ (We have interviewed many cool projects you can find here: https://www.cryptoground.com/c/i...). Please let me know how we can approach up with our questionnaire.
Mad Mat
I only took a short look, but it seems like there could be some interesting opportunities with this project. I'll try and do that if I can find the time, good luck.