The Tradefinder is web tool to find the most profitable trades between two locations, where one is selling a good and another is buying that good at a higher price. Add your merchants and items and start trading.
Hi Producthunt!
As a hobby gamer I play a lot of different games which involve trading, like No Man's Sky. I often end up with a bunch of papers filled with prices for items the merchants offer. I stepped up the trading game by using Excel, but it felt just way too difficult.
So, now I ended up learning React and built the Tradefinder. Enter your merchants (called locations), add some items which are traded. After adding items with prices to your merchants, the Tradefinder will automatically calculate possible profits.
To be as easy and privacy friendly as possible, there is no signup, no data is stored on any servers. Everything is saved locally in your browser.
The tool is completely open source and I already have some new features planned, but wanted to launch the app right now as it's perfectly working for my use cases.
It's built using React and Redux, styles are done via Tailwind and everything is bundled via Parcel. The tool is currently deployed via Netlify.
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