Jamie Osborne

DevInsight - DevInsight analyses your code to help manage your tech team


DevInsight analyses your code from Github (and more) to help you manage your tech team more effectively. Perfect for non-technical founders, DevInsight provides plain English suggestions on areas to focus and improve upon.

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Jamie Osborne
DevInsight started as a "scratch your own itch" project when I was the CTO at a tech startup with several on and off site developers to manage. I found myself wanting a tool just to summarise how things are going so I could pinpoint my focus. It has since evolved after lots of conversations with non-technical founders and team leaders. Many would complain how they had no idea what their team was really doing or even how they could effectively help them when they got stuck. There was definitely a sense of frustration among non-technical folks when dealing with the day to day running of a development team. I believe DevInsight can fill that gap between the team leader/founder and the development team. It should work just as well for busy CTO's and technical leaders as it will for non-technical management. I'm really excited about this product and looking forward to hearing peoples thoughts and feedback. As this is just the Alpha launch, I'm fully committed to improving and growing DevInsight based on user feedback.