Seth Louey

Design DB - A hand-curated database of the best freebies for designers.


Design DB is a collection of the best free resources for designers. Browse through a database of hand-curated freebie wireframes, UI kits, mockups and much more to speed up your workflow and get inspired.

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Eva Reder
Thank you so much for hunting us @sethlouey! I've been collecting design freebies from all over the Internet. This is my list with almost 200 free resources turned into its own collection by AND CO. Ready! Set! Bookmark! Let me know how we can make it more awesome!
Eric Y Chen
This is perfect for our design team. We've been working on various projects for our clients and this helps elevate that! Thank you @sethlouey and team for creating this.
Eva Reder
@eyfchen718 glad you like it :) I think that's the perfect use. Just hand it over to your design team. I'm sure the templates on here can really speed up their workflow. I've just given this to my intern and she creates amazing stuff with it (especially for our Social Media)
Seth Louey
Great collection!
Alain H
Good job Eva. Very useful. You might consider adding some mobile HTML templates too.
Eva Reder
@alainmrh Thanks Alain! :) Yeah HTML templates would be awesome! Do you have any good ones?
Maitrik Kataria
@e_reder @juannikin Hi Eva & Juan, this looks incredibly useful. I'm glad y'all came up with this exceptional resource. Shared it with my design team straight off and I'm excited to explore more over the weekend. Thank you. Cheers!
Eva Reder
@juannikin @maitrikkataria Thank you so much Maitrik :) Let me know if your design team has any special requests :) We can expand the database
Juan Felipe Campos
Thanks @sethlouey! I’m one of the creators of Design DB! Our plan is to keep updating this collection. What are we missing?
Catalin V
Really great collection Eva! πŸ˜ƒ
David Berkowitz
Congrats on launching this, @leifthunder - great resource
Oliver Batsell

ANDCO has done it again


free and has a ton of options


are there any?

Selen Bayram Genç
Great job!
Bogdan Yosava
Looks like a useful resource. Thanks for creating it Design DB team. Will share it with our Lead UI/UX designer! #free #nicestaff #probono
Eva Reder
@bogdanyosava1 Thank you Bogdan! What is your team mostly looking for? More UI/UX kits?
Bogdan Yosava
@e_reder actually, EGO team also creates a professional design for different platforms but we value the time and costs of our customers so apart from EGO services we are working on own product: it going to be developed by developers for developers a professional UI templates for iOS and Android apps with already passed stages like markup, UI QA etc
Thank you guys, this is great πŸ’ͺ🏻
Saul Sutton IV
There is so much value here it hard to believe it's free! great tool!
Todd Terrazas
πŸš€ thank you!
Essio Colom Pacora
This seems really, really, cool! Wiii :) Thanks guys for sharing
Denny Alfonso

The idea is useful for web developers and it will be a must-have tool to progress in platform designing


Very practical tool , easy to use and dynamic


Will be helpfull to get some guidance in spanish

Roxana Damas

Loving the designs. Thank you! We all need more time but those of us in small business could use all the help we can get.


Centralized Place for free design option to save you time


Still too new to see the long-term cons

Michael Nguyen
The designs are great! Thanks!
Ford Pastor
This is a great resources for designers two thumbs up for this πŸ˜‰