Rio Escobar

Descritella - Analyze your photos and do the writing for you


Revolutionizes the way product descriptions are created. Our technology delivers highly accurate and detailed product descriptions, features, and keywords, ensuring that your products are properly represented online

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Rio Escobar
Hi PH community! 👋 My name is Rio and I'm excited to share with you our new AI-powered app that revolutionizes the way product descriptions are created. Our technology delivers highly accurate and detailed product descriptions, features, and keywords, all from the photos of your products. As a maker, I understand the challenges of creating product descriptions that accurately represent a product and the time and effort that goes into it. That's why I'm proud to introduce this AI-powered app that streamlines the process and saves you time and effort. With our web app, you can say goodbye to manual and time-consuming tasks and hello to highly accurate and detailed product descriptions with a click.