Your tech shopping personal assistant
Erik Finman

Denarri For SMS — The best deals on the products you want, through text.

Erik Finman
I've been using Denarri's iOS app ( for a while and it's been extremely handy for finding the best matches for whatever products I need/want as quickly and easily as possible. To make things even simpler, they've now launched a new product called Denarri For SMS, where you simply text them the product you're looking for along with some preferences, and they'll send back the best matches out there. All the work done for you, no app needed. I think this is a pretty clever way to lower the barrier to entry even further and allow users to see what Denarri has to offer without even committing to an app install. Curious to hear what @rrhoover 's take is on "invisible apps" now entering the mobile marketplace space.
Some Guy
Thanks for the hunt Erik! The idea for branching Denarri to SMS came about while grabbing coffee with @bennyyk (Kosinski Ventures). I was discussing the user behaviors I'd observed within our iOS app, and he made a great point: A sizable chunk of users may be interested in a certain product, but not necessarily willing to commit to installing an app to gauge how useful it'll be in their lives. By allowing them to get a taste of the advantages of using Denarri without that barrier to entry, many potential users who may have otherwise passed on signing up get introduced to how simple it is to get the best price on the products they love. Hope everyone finds it useful, and if you have any feedback I'm all ears! :) PS: The Android version will be launching in the coming weeks, stay tuned!