I like the idea but I have two concerns:
1. Will people that submit the "problem" actually follow through and pay?
2. How does DemandRush ensure quality and vet that the solution solves the problem sufficiently? This is also a challenge with any freelance or consulting agreement — peoples' definition of done varies, even when well defined.
@rrhoover I agree on both points.
I think in regards to number 1 people who submit problems should be "forced" to pre-pay for it, if not in full at least half of the price. The model here should be much more similar to Patreon as @bentossel is saying. I assume if you really have a problem you must be definitely willing to pay someone for solving it! :)
Number 2 is a completely different story, very difficult to solve. Maybe limiting the requirements to a very low fixed number could mitigate the problem. As a maker anyway I would never try to solve a problem that only one person has regardless if it's a side project or not!
I've been toying with the idea of making a 'Patreon focused on Tech Makers' and this is a step in the right direction...
Interesting for sure!
Remember, as a maker, if you got 1000 True Fans to pay you 100/year then you could be making a decent living being a full time maker!
Some of these ideas have already existing solutions. It would be ideal to recommend those solutions and everyone one involved will see it both clients and whoever wants to make the product.
Some of the stuff on their right now is fairly easily solvable. I'm thinking specifically about the "track new music releases" one. But not for $5 from 2 people.
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