Love this - but one question: what source is it using? Weather Underground? I find that sometimes there's quite a difference in the two readings. It would be great if there could be a way to click on a day in the 4-day forecast and go right to the source.
@jason_weingardt I think they are using Yahoo's weather API. Clicking on the current conditions in the popup takes you to a Yahoo page with more details. I'd love to be able to specify a Weather Underground station (like the one we have on our roof at the office).
@jameskoole ah, nice find. Guess I was clicking in the wrong place. What's weird is Yahoo Weather for iOS uses Weather Underground, but Yahoo Weather on the web uses
Their support is amazing too, fwiw. For some reason it wasn't detecting location automatically, emailed over and was helped within 10 minutes. Although I had it fixed myself by disabling then reenabling the location detector.
Just sits up there, providing the temperature where you are along with a conditions indicator. Clicking on the temp brings up a beautiful four-day forecast and expanded conditions including wind speed/direction and humidity. Simple but polished.
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