dbdiagram.io - Free database diagrams designer for analysts & developers 🛠
Quick and simple free tool to help you draw your database relationship diagrams and flow quickly using simple DSL language.
Quick and simple free tool to help you draw your database relationship diagrams and flow quickly using simple DSL language.
Input format is very close to a graphql format. Would suggest modifying it to using that instead of this custom type. I would love to drop in something I've written up for graphql and then edit it in this tool.
Pros:Slick and user-friendly
Cons:Doesn't import but uses its own proprietary format
Holistics Data
Holistics Data
Holistics Data
Holistics Data
Holistics Data
Pros:Fast, convenient, flexible
Holistics Data
Thanks for this app. You're a genius !
Holistics Data
Holistics Data
Holistics Data
Invoice generator
Holistics Data
It's user-friendlier than other similar tools that I used. Good job!
Pros:Simple and blazing
Cons:Lack of some features (e.g, import)
Holistics Data
Holistics Data
Holistics Data
Holistics Data
Logo Lab
Holistics Data
Holistics Data
Was looking something like this. Hope you will continue improvements
Pros:simple, fast, register with gmail
Cons:missing unique key feature
Holistics Data
Hope you will continue improvements
Pros:Slick and user-friendly
Cons:Missing private diagrams and team working
Holistics Data
I love the simple DSL you have for designing, Exports to multiple database formats are bonus. I wish there was a way to add notes, or an advance exporting where we can customize database engine parameter.
I and my teammate have tried to login to it in chrome and firefox. Still unsucessful. Google accounts dashboard is showing your app in authorised section with homepage https://shareable-diagram.heroku..., maybe thats what causing issue
Pros:Really simple for brainstorming DB designes because of simple DSL
Cons:Import is yet to come, I still can't login to it. No provision to visualize triggers and keep notes.
Holistics Data
Would be cool to have options to color tables and connections with different colours also the ability to have private projects.
Pros:Simple, neat, helpful
Cons:Not private, no custom options available
Holistics Data
Really great free tool, is the code open source, be keen to contribute to this one?
Like to see the following features
- Nullable columns
- Field Length
- Turn Highlight on/off rather than just on hover
- Ability to change colour of individual elements ( this is neat if you are for example doing a modification you can mark say updated tables orange, new tables green, existing unchanged stay blue
- Nick the little key icon idea from the sadly overpriced QuickDBD ;)
Pros:Easy and fast to use
Cons:No import, no ability to mark fields as nullable or not nullable, no ability to specify fieldlength on diagram e.g. varchar(250)