Stefano Verna

DatoCMS - The most complete, user-friendly and performant Headless CMS

More than 25.000 businesses use DatoCMS to create online content at scale from a central hub and distribute it via API. Empower every member of your team to create and distribute content to websites and other digital experiences at scale.

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Stefano Verna
Hi guys, creator here. We started building DatoCMS as a side-project a year ago as Contentful was way too complicated for our web agency average brochure website client. We quietly launched the product 4 months ago: Since then we are getting steady signups and paying customers through organic traffic. Customer feedback has been an invaluable tool so far to route our development roadmap. Eager to receive some more feedback here!
Jevin Sew
As someone who inherited a serverfull of brochure websites, I can fully appreciate what you guys are doing. Hosting thousands of badly coded (PHP 😵) websites on a server is just asking for trouble. Static websites are the way to go for smaller websites.
Stefano Verna
@jevinsew we're an agency ourselves.. so we definitely feel the pain :)
André J
@jevinsew ...and for complex sites. Like see:
Joshua Pinter
Really like what you're doing and offering a generous free tier no less. I was looking at using Forestry as well, care to comment on how the two might differ: Many Thanks.
Stefano Verna
@joshuapinter the main difference is that Forestry is Git-based (that is, the actual content is stored as Markdown files within the repo), while we're API-based (the content is stored in a DB on our side and gets dumped as local Markdown files during build time). Obviously there are pros and cons with both the approaches.. with Git-based products there's less stuff to learn and you can start using them with existing static websites right away. With an API-based approach the content of your website, while being used during the build phase of the site to produce the static HTML files, can also be queried using client-side AJAX calls: this allows a whole set of new dynamic functionalities (ie. search pages), that would be otherwise impossible to achieve with static websites. Also, with an API-based approach, pretty much any present (and future) static website generator is compatible. You are also free to switch to a different static website generator at any time, simply editing the configuration files that map remote content to local Markdown files.
Joshua Pinter
@steffoz Interesting. Thanks for the in-depth response. Looks like the perfect combination of an approachable CMS mixed with the benefits of a static site. Great job. Will try it out for sure.
Andrés gutiérrez
Amazing produt. I better world is posible where non technical people can have a Wordpress admin experience and developers can work on plain-old-simple static sites. Awesome implementation
Stefano Verna
@andresgutgon thank you Andres! :)
Ilya Trepachko
Is there a chance to implement an online shop in your CMS?
Stefano Verna
@itrepachko we have worked on a number of "static shops" using DatoCMS together with Snipcart ( and a couple of custom Amazon Lambda functions. It works pretty well :) Example: (sorry, the website is in italian)
Filippo Mursia
It's always cool to see great Italian products. Daje!
Stefano Verna
@mrdobelina haha, grazie Filippo :)
Antonio J
Stefano this is a great marriage between a CMS and a static site. As an enterprise Contentful user and developer in the banking industry, I'm happy to see this come to life. I'll be watching you grow. Great work, great documentation, and I'll try your product soon!
Stefano Verna
@supamerz Thank you Antonio! :)
Daniel Friis
This is so cool! Amazing job guys
Stefano Verna
thank you @daniel_friis, really appreciate it :)