Kevin William David

DataWallet - Make money by selling your personal data to marketing firms.


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Maxim Zubarev
LOL. This heavily reminds me of selling your soul to satan.
Their marketing seems sketchy to me. The tagline "Reclaim the profits ..." and words like "instead" are insinuating you'll get money for data that's already being sold and used by companies, but in reality you're just selling extra data. It's pretty obvious, but I don't like the angle they've chosen here.
Serafin Lion Engel
@eindbaas Hey Stefan, it's true that using DataWallet won't simply shut down data the supply from other companies and make you the exclusive supplier of your own data. At least not immediately -- it's a huge industry and can only be changed step by step. However, it is the case that 'data buyers' have a certain budget which they set aside to purchase data. When you sell your own data (or in the case of DataWallet it's insights about your data), you can make data available that is off bounds for data brokers - e.g. your Likes on Facebook. This data offers vastly more valuable insights than the data that data brokers can offer (which is data that is either publicly available or licensed to them via 3rd party agreements), so it's in the interest of the 'data buyers' to buy it via you (through DataWallet). When a company decides to use DataWallet, and you get paid for your own data, you are effectively 'reclaiming' the profits made with your data, since the money for it was taken from a budget that would have otherwise been allocated to a different company that would have made these profits instead of you. What other ways do you think we could drive this concept across that would be less sketchy?
@serafinlion This explanation is heaps better than the landing page. But surely you can't really think it'll replace the other means of data collection by companies completely, do you? If people really want to sell their data: to each their own. I just think the current landing page is misleading.
Serafin Lion Engel
@eindbaas To be honest, I don't just think that it'll replace other means of data collection, I'm convinced beyond the shadow of a doubt that it will. E.g. public data from Facebook only accounts for roughly 19% of all data you create. And that fraction encompasses mostly demographic dimensions such as your age and hometown. The really valuable insights lie in the 81% of the data that the companies currently sourcing your data cannot access. Data Brokers can never sell better data than you, meaning that when you bring your own data to the market, this will by definition always be the best data available. There's no need for marketers to buy anything anymore, but the data you make available yourself.
Jack Smith
I've been using Datacoup for a while, which seems similar to this. So far I've earned $65.88 with them. Which is pretty awesome, for doing nothing
Daniel F.
@_jacksmith How long did it take to earn that much?
Jack Smith
@zefareu about 18 months. I just left it running in the background and have gradually withdrawn money from it
Maxim Zubarev
@_jacksmith well, to be really precise, it's not really "doing nothing". you can count on some kind of annoying ads / spam that will either cost you time or will trick you to pay the at least the money you got or even more. Don't misunderstand me though, the idea and approach isn't bad, but i only see use for it for people who don't have another choice.
Jack Smith
@thelambostory I've been using it for 18+ months as I said, and not had an annoying ads or spam or anything of that nature. Not sure how they'd be able to spam me anyway, as the person buying my data doesn't get my email address or mailing address as far as I'm aware.
Philipp Meder
@nekitperes @_jacksmith I used them in Germany for a while and have earned 23 dollars until they sadly closed their service for non-USA customers. I just wanted to withdraw the money as the last time I earned something was June 2015, but it appears you can only withdraw to American debit cards :/
Kevin William David
Edit: the site link ( doesn't seem to load because of the product hunt referral in the url. Check this link for the site . Instead of big data brokerage firms selling your data behind your back, DataWallet allows you to take control and reclaim the profits made with your data for yourself. You can give access to your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest accounts, and fine-tune the settings for each if you don't, for example, want to include your hometown or work history. DataWallet aggregates this data from all parties, strips it of any personally identifiable information (such as name, email, and phone number), and condenses it into analytics reports. Companies can then buy those reports from DataWallet. Users turn a profit on every report sold that includes their data, which stretches back to the creation of their social accounts. Payouts vary from $1 to $50 and occur at a frequency of every two months or so. The more accounts you link to DataWallet, the higher the likelihood that your data will be purchased.The average payout is $10.
Jack Smith
@kwdinc I signed up, but I got a message saying that I've been added to the waitlist and will get access in 82 weeks (unless I invite friends), that just seems like a ludicrous wait-list time to tell a user imho. The app looks cool apart from that
Serafin Lion Engel
@_jacksmith @kwdinc Hey Jack, good hearing from you! I still remember our discussion in the comment section when we first got covered on TC. Awesome to reconnect now that we're live! Regarding the 82 weeks, this wait time will definitely go down quite soon. Let me explain: right now, we're only letting on 1K users off the waitlist every 4 weeks. We do this since we want to guarantee a certain threshold of liquidity in the marketplace, meaning that we can control how many people will get paid every month. We've seen quite a bit of interest from the user side (the supply side), and we want to make sure that when your account is live on DW, you actually get paid. This also means, however, that we have to balance supply and demand - and that requires that we limit the amount of users that are admitted to the marketplace, at least for the very early stages of it. We could have taken a similar approach to other companies in the same space that simply take your raw data and sell it (e.g. to data brokers). This would have allowed us to sell the data a lot quicker, let a lot more users onto the platform, and get more people paid. But we decided against it. The reason behind that is that we wanted to guarantee the users of our app that their data is as secure as possible -- which we wouldn't have been able to if we simply did a 'wholesale' to other data providers. This makes things a lot harder on our side, since we had to build out a proprietary analytics platform, as well as an enterprise sales side. With our current model, the 'data buyers' don't actually get to buy your data, but only anonymized insights that we generate about it. I get that the wait times are annoying, but from my perspective, this is the only way to sustainably change how data brokerage works (since it doesn't simply feed the current model with better data). However, the more enterprise customers we add, the more users we'll be able to allow full access to the marketplace each month. I can't say for sure by how much we'll increase the acceptance rate and when, but we're already seeing strong demand from enterprise customers, and I'm sure we'll be able to increase it substantially in the next weeks.
Jack Smith
@serafinlion ah yes. I remember. So looking back at my comment then; it looks like I said I signed up for the beta a year ago - what happened to the account that I created a year ago? Do I get ahead on the waitlist for that? RE the wait time: I get what you're saying, but it in terms of weeks is really off-putting (see other comments on this thread as well). Instead, a more natural wording, that other apps use is along the lines of: - "hey, you're 123,000 in the wait list (or there are 60,000 people ahead of you), we're currently letting in 1000 users a month, but will increase that soon. In the meantime if you want to jump up the queue, you can refer some friends"
Serafin Lion Engel
@_jacksmith good call! We'll definitely fine tune the wording. Regarding the account you created previously: you should have received an email about the DW launch, addressing you with the username you had previously created -- if you signed up using Facebook, you'll have received this email to the one you used when you created your FB account. If you then go to the DW app, you can simply claim the name again, and information such as amount of referrals and your place in the waitlist will transfer over.
Jack Smith
@serafinlion I have an email from November 2015 saying "Thank you for signing up for DataWallet", but I never got any email about your launch. when I downloaded the app just now it created me a new acount with the same email address
Serafin Lion Engel
Hey guys, my name is Serafin and I'm the founder of DataWallet. First and foremost thanks to @kwdinc for hunting us! My team and I have been working on this for quite some time, and we're psyched for DW to be (slowly but surely) released for everyone to use. Data Brokerage is definitely one of the shadiest industries in our digital economy, and we've chosen an approach that I can understand some might see as contrarian, but one that we believe can substantially and most importantly sustainably alter the power dynamics of this sector. I'll be on PH for the next hours and try to answer any questions you guys might have. I'm really excited to hear your guys' feedback!! Cheers
Serafin Lion Engel
@narayananh @kwdinc hey Narayanan, I know, it's a lot at the moment. I just responded in a bit more detail to Jack's post above to explain the reason behind it. We'll increase the monthly acceptance rate, soon.
Narayanan Hariharan
@serafinlion I did read that, thanks for the explanation. I have noticed a lot of apps giving PH users a quicker way to get in. Is something like that possible?
Looks like the Instagram API is still in sandbox mode 😉
Serafin Lion Engel
@nathanaelkhodl yup, we're still working on that one :D
Mouad Mohssine
Like always.. interesting ideas, but bad excustion.. why would a user wait for over a year to use the app? I'll let you do the maths when it comes to what a year means in mobile apps business.
Sahil Chaturvedi
@serafinlion any place I can sign up for email notification for a potential Android version?
Alex Weber
@sahilc0 @serafinlion yes please :-) Also, is it just for US? Is there a European version planned?
Love the idea!
Rafał Romański
An interesting idea, but after registration it informs me that I have to wait approx. 83 weeks before I can make any sells. 83 weeks. Like 1,5 year. Really?
This got be a joke, right?
Like...on purpose? :)
Bud Hennekes
Really neat idea.. but I was turned off when I also signed up and was greeted with "you must wait 83 weeks unless you invite some friends."
Blink Qiu
Andrew Mutavdzija
Lol @ 82 weeks on a waiting list! On another note, will you be adding more data sources, too?
I have been looking for something like this!
Tierney Cyren
Looks like Instagram integration is broken?
Tierney Cyren
Also, it's doubtful that I'm in exactly position 100. Is this a UX tactic to make the user feel like they're in the top 100 users on the leaderboards? I'd prefer to say I'm not in yet, if that's the case. Also, stats on how much data I have vs. how much others have would be nice.
Tim Broder
The wait list says 83 weeks 😳