Analytics4now - Universal analytics reports with GA4 data from BigQuery

Analytics4now is the best GA4 alternative for marketers to streamline their GA data. An all-in-one Looker Studio report that combines the Universal Analytics reports with the GA4 data from BigQuery. Save time & make better decisions. Pay once & use forever.

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Giannis Stratakis
Hey Product Hunters! 👋 I'm Giannis, founder of Data Bloo, a one-person business that designs ready-to-use solutions on Google Looker Studio for over 1,500 companies around the world. I’m really excited to introduce my latest project, Analytics4now, a product that automates GA4 reporting in minutes. Analytics4now is built on Looker Studio and combines the Universal Analytics interface with the new GA4 data from BigQuery. Customer Feedback up until now: ◆ The analytics4now is working perfectly for us and our clients. It allows us to use the BigQuery and GA4 benefits in combination with a trusted Universal Analytics interface! ◆ All of our clients would be interested in something like Analytics4now to ease the pain in GA4 transitioning - thank you so much for this report, it's a huge win for you guys! ◆ Analytics4Now cracked the GA4 -> BigQuery -> Looker Studio problem! ◆ Analytics4Now is genius - It is a report that looks like UA that pulls in GA4 data from BigQuery. ◆ Yes! This is perfect as I’m preparing for the inevitable migration to GA4. A huge help in validating inconsistencies, and training clients by accessing a familiar interface. ◆ Analytics4now is the best GA4 alternative. Easy to use, easy to set up – a great tool and saves a ton of time. 🎁 Use the code “PH25” to get 25% off. Just pay once & use forever. I’ll be here all day. If you have any questions, just ask!
Upen V
Good work team on combining GA4 data with a UA reports using BigQuery. Well done!!
Giannis Stratakis
Thanks for the support @upen946 ! Means a lot :)
Hai Ta
Congrats on the launch! This is a great take on GA4 🙌
Giannis Stratakis
Thanks for the kind words @hai_ta1 ! Have a great launch too :)
Dimitris Vogiatzis
Congrats on the launch! A great and much needed product 👏
Giannis Stratakis
Thank you for your help & contribution to the backend work @dcvogi 🙌
Stan Chernitckii
Congrats on launch! I really live how the regional metrics UI with map looks. Although for all other UI data graphs I would prefer to see flowing graphs instead of polyline graphs!
Giannis Stratakis
Thanks for your feedback @stanui! I really appreciate it :) I tried to replicate the UI of Universal Analytics as much as I can, so the end user to be familiar with the look & feel of the report.
Max T.Pham
Hey Giannis, congrats on launching Analytics4now! Thrilled to test this GA4 reporting tool, exactly what I've been seeking for ages, dealing with GA4 dashboard woes. Yet, the pricing seems steep (particularly for local startup founders). Anyway, you got my upvote. Best of luck with your launch and Data Bloo!
Dzianis Yatsenka
Hey! Congrats on the launch! Do your analytics support marketing analytics like AppsFlyer? I mean can I track traffic sources where users come from and count how effective are these ads?
Hiya Chaplot
this sounds interesting! 🙌
Amin Boulouma
Exciting announcement! Congrats on the launch! 🎉 Having experienced the hard work and dedication required for a successful launch, I wanted to take a moment to acknowledge and congratulate you on this outstanding accomplishment. Your passion and commitment are truly inspirational. As we celebrate new beginnings, I invite you to check out my latest project launch today. Head to my profile to find out more and discover how it can be of great assistance to you. Let's continue supporting each other's journey to success! Additionally, let's connect on Twitter!
George Filippou
Excellent job well done!
Satyanarayan Prashar
Congrats on launching Analytics4now. What's the USP for Analytics4now?