Dashlane Password Manager
Simple security for organizations and their people
David Rostan
Dashlane 5 โ€” The password manager built for everyone to use everywhere

Dashlane is the password manager known for its simplicity and beautiful UI - now with a full-featured browser extension and web app, it is far easier to get started and take the hassle out of passwords and online forms. Dashlane 5 adds Linux (Chrome & Firefox), Chromebook and Edge support!

Clark Valberg
Dashlane is one of my favorite and most recommended products, period.
Alexis Fogel
@clarkvalberg Thanks Clark, that means a lot considering how great InVision's UX is.
Shaun Springer
I love dashlane, and have been using it for years. I'd love for an iOS keyboard. My biggest pain is filling in passwords on mobile, it requires leaving one app, launching dashlane, authenticating, finding the password, copying it, going back to the app I want to input the PW into and then praying it allows paste in the password field. I can haz?
Alexis Fogel
@shaun_springer Thanks for the feedback. Unfortunately, Apple does not allow custom keyboard on secure fields such as passwords :( , that's the reason we don't have one.
Shaun Springer
@alexisfogel couldn't it just be a quick way to lookup the credentials without leaving the app? I get that it might not allow completing the fields. Great product regardless!
Dan Rosenshain
@shaun_springer @alexisfogel same here but on Android. Security > Comfort for me so I'm still a happy premium user.
Alexis Fogel
@shaun_springer Yes we experimented with the idea of having a keyboard that would just display/let you copy the pwd. But not easy because you have to handle authentication and search... But we are working on others ways and I agree that this is something we need to solve on mobile.
Baz Hand
This is easily my favourite service. I've recommended to everyone and find it a life saver.
Zaheer Mohiuddin
How does this compare to 1Password?
Alexis Fogel
I really hope you will like this new version of our product. Dashlane 5 is not packed with new features. Rather, it is packed with improvements, simplifications, and a few new tricks that we know are valuable for our users. I wrote the full story behind that release if you are interested: https://medium.com/@alexisfogel/.... And of course, looking forward to hearing your feedback/questions.
Joshua Pinter
@alexisfogel "Dashlane 5 is not packed with new features." That's refreshing. Nice.
Giacomo Patella
Happy premium user here, simplifies your life when you have many many accounts. Small issues here and there but nothing major. Would love a search function for the Secure Notes. Highly recommended :)
Alexandre Mouriec
I am a Dashlane user sinceseveral years now and a paid customer since last year and I highly recommend it. Dashlane really simplifies and secures my life. I have many accounts so having different passwords is essential ๐Ÿ‘ From watching the video showing whatโ€™s new, I now canโ€™t wait to try the new version ๐Ÿ‘ Great job Dashlane team ! ๐Ÿ‘
Christopher Schrader

I've used pretty much every password management tool out there and as someone who is using multiple devices on different OSs, Dashlane is excellent. Customer support is great, the product just works and kept me same from Equifax ๐Ÿ˜…


Supports both Mac & Windows, iOS & Android, Security Dashboard too auto update passwords, secure notes, great chrome extension


UX around autofill could be improved

Great utility product! I'm glad that they're also focusing on design and creating a more intuitive user flow! Great update guys!! Keep up the great work!
Daniel Laskowski

this app changed how i use internet. That's big.


it's the best password manager on the planet


I bet it could be improved, but Dashlane is great


Bought the 3 year subscription 2 years ago. No regrets!


Can change passwords automatically, shows password statistics and which ones need to be changed, works on all my devices.


The browser extension could work better, and I still need TouchID support on Mac!

Joรฃo Paulo

I've been using Dashlane since it's launch, I used to be a kind of Alpha user. I've seen all brand and software growth, and for YEARS this is my only choice to secure all my passwords and credit card information. I trust all my data to Dashlane since the begging and I'll trust many years more! Thanks for everything guys and keep up with this amazing work!


Sync across all your devices, safely store all your passwords and payment details. Automatically login in sites with saved login info.


Don't know anyone till now!

Maurice Koks
Have been a Dashlane Premium user since 4 years, I highly recommend it, Dashlane is a must have for everyone who works online.
Merrill Reisemberg
Have been using Dashlane since the beta in 2010. Never been disappointed, a must-have!
Evan Kimbrell
Dashlane is really bittersweet. Half the time, it's like "wow that was cool" and the other half it actually makes it harder to login to anything. After a while it just gets laughable how often the system screws up and fills a clearly marked form "phone" with your name. Or how it can't handle 2 forms on a page and will rewrite each one when you use it. Or when it autogenerates a password but then can't bring it up later because the login runs at a sub domain. I hope this new version fixes a lot of the headscratchers they had before. ๐Ÿ˜ฌ A lot of potential, but just bug ridden
Mariano Pappalardo

Great product.

Feat I'd love: to easily send pictures that I take with my phone to a vault "inside" Dashlane


Easy, fits like a glove


More feats around images

Josh Day
This was a much needed update. Nice work.
Edward Vasquez
wao! really nice app, a strong competitor for 1password :)
Jason Amos

I have been a pre-beta user and It has constantly improved. It detects forms at about a 98% rate and populates with appropriate data. Created site independent and high quality paswords, and also offers a password auto-replace for about 60% of the 300 sites I have saved in the app. Dashlane is no less than amazing.


Secure, easy to use,



AJ Faraj
Great product!