Fajar Siddiq

DailyHack - A place where makers & geeks share there daily hacks


Welcome to Daily Hack! πŸ‘‹πŸ½
πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ’»A place where Makers & Geeks share their daily hack in the community!
πŸš€It's a place where people share there daily hacks they use in their developments.
So, Do you have any hack? πŸ’‘

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Fajar Siddiq
Welcome to Daily Hack! πŸ‘‹πŸ½ πŸš€It's a place where people share there daily hacks they use in their developments. So, Do you have any hack? πŸ’‘ πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ’»A place where Makers & Geeks share their daily hack in the community! I'm @fajarsiddiq from Singapore and @mddanishyusuf from India we have made this possible. We share the tweet post of new hacks at https://twitter.com/dailyhacknotes Come join the community of makers who can contribute your hack tricks at https://dailyhack.xyz/ πŸ“– DailyHack is just an Idea about sharing the hack/tricks/shortcuts we use in our daily life to develop and fix the things quick and smart way. So, it's a community of the makers and geeks around the word. So, anyone can share there methods with the others makers and developers. ✍ How to add tricks So, we are using the GitHub Issue System as a CMS. So, it's easy to add your tricks. Just create an issues and write your hack into editor and submit. After you submit the author/editors will set the tags to your issues and it will show on the website. 🀝 How to Contribute Adding tricks is a big contribution to the open source community. So, the website is Open Source and code in this repository. So, you can do whatever you seems that it should be improvise and need to be changed. πŸ› οΈWebsite Build With Nextjs- For SSR, Front-end and I use Styled JSX. GitHub Issues: As a CMS for tricks Glitch: An layer on the GitHub API to secure access_token Zeit: To host the application πŸ’œ Thanks to Our Contributors Thanks to our many contributors and friends those give time to add tricks.
Mohd Danish
@fajarsiddiq Thanks you Fajar for your Hard Work and dedication. You are the my man.
Fajar Siddiq
@mddanishyusuf You're most welcome, this is amazing to do things together in the community to benefit others and share hack tricks!
Aggelos Gesoulis
@fajarsiddiq @mddanishyusuf Looks great guys!!! Small hacks to help others are such a clever thought!!!
Zoe Chew
Great to see a community that helps techies to be productive! Finally a crowdsourced daily tips that I can browse through to find solutions & inspiration. Thank you for making this. Well done Mohd Danish & Fajar!
Fajar Siddiq
@whizzzoe Yes, we are very small community with big heart to share knowledge. Some of the tricks we can use in our daily projects. You're most welcome Zoe!
πŸš€ Congrats on the launch ! This is a great project !
Fajar Siddiq
@chri6fx Check out the hacks! if you have hacks do submit too. We all can learn from each other. Thank you Chrisas!
Guillaume Bardet
This seems pretty cool, have you considered adding a search or/and filters? These kind of sites definitely gain value over time. Making it easy to find certain hacks would be great! Maybe some sort of ranking could be useful too.
Mohd Danish
@guillaumebardet Yes, Thanks for your feedback and all are really helpful. We will add all these features in next itration.
Fajar Siddiq
@guillaumebardet Yes for sure that's the MVP is all about we are adding alot of new features in time to come! Sure! Search, Filters, Ranking! Is indeed useful @mddanishyusuf and me will be working on it! Thank you for checking us out, looking forward for you to contribute some hacks dude!
Congrats on the launch @fajarsiddiq and @mddanishyusuf πŸŽŠπŸŽ‰πŸΎ Super cool product, It has the potential to grow, Keep on shipping! 🚒
Mohd Danish
@shahroozme Thanks. Love to see your daily hack. :)
Fajar Siddiq
Thank you Shahrooz! Yes & keep adding the hacks. You are the man! πŸŽŠπŸŽ‰ If you learn anything you can submit your tricks too. Check out one of the hacks here below: πŸ’» Automatically Update Your Website Footer https://dailyhack.xyz/post/autom... on dailyhack.xyz
Arnob Mukherjee
Totally awesome guys, Can I also suggest to create couple of categories to narrow down the hacks available for different things, would be a great addon!! I see tags there but on clicking there is nothing happening! Although it's a great idea cheers to the team!
Mohd Danish
@iamarnob6543 Yes, we can do the tag system. we just ship to see the response and response is good. Good things about this product is that it's open source project. And People are also make PR. Thanks for the feedback. Noted.
Fajar Siddiq
@iamarnob6543 Yes! Definitely Right! We just started! THE MVP is growing right now!!! oooommmmmggg thank you Arnob! You are the man, yes we are taking the feedback. Categories are coming soon as we are collecting the submission of the hacks! Currently is now "Cool Hack" on github. You can see it here: https://github.com/mddanishyusuf... We will update the site very soon! Thank you <3
Carlos Branco
Good luck with the project.
Fajar Siddiq
@carlos_branco Hey thank you so much dude! that means alot <3 you can submit your hacks too
Pradip Khakhar
This is an amazing resource, def seen some great hacks. Love how the community is coming and making together. All the best!
Mohd Danish
@pradipcloud Thanks. Your welcome to the community. You can also share your hack(hack can be non-programming) like how you communicate to client that will be effective. it's not about only coding stuffs. the hack that make you better. Also, fajar you have to share some marketing hacks you use.
Fajar Siddiq
@pradipcloud Thank you Pradip! That means alot to us! Yes, so nice to simple hacks and also we will share non-code and coded hacks! Wohoooooo!!!
Sam Sabri
lol is that the ninjacat from the Windows Insider?
Fajar Siddiq
@samsabri NINJA HACK CAT WAS FOUNDED! haha. Yes! We love windows and apple actually.
Lachlan Kirkwood
Another great community that encourages makers to share value with each other! Amazing work πŸ™Œ
Mohd Danish
@lachlankirkwood Thank you very much.
Freddie Llow
looks interesting
Fajar Siddiq
@freddiellow thank you Freddie! ;) Do check some of the hacks contributed by the makers community
Luuk Koelman

Keep up the good quality *thumbs up*


Some nice hacks, thanks!

