I have seen you trying to promote this hard on the Facebook chat-bot group surprised not yet kicked because of the spamming you're doing there. But unfortunately I don't see any credibility in you or the platform. Your both Facebook and Twitter profiles seems unreal, also I all the search queries are directed to Google saying your platform doesn't have the answer,
I would be great to see a search engine powered by AI but unfortunately this is not the answer.
@davaughn_white no I mean your Twitter profile has 1 tweet no followers no profile picture. Your Facebook profile has just one friend. Howcome people know who is really making this?
Also I mean even for the very basic queries it points to Google so why use yours when we have Google?Anyway I guess you keep on improving and see if there will any traction.
Hmm.... I think a quick landing page is needed here - Coming to the site and no real idea how to use it.
Typed 'Hello' to kick it off and then it looked like the window was designed for mobile and not desktop - looks a bit funky.
After trying it for a minute I was a little confused on what to ask. I asked about food, Olympics and books but it simply prompted me to search Google for these. Besides the point, it is a very interesting concept and would be prominent with more content and local referencing scripts. Its not ready yet, but once it is I think this would be a strong player in the search engine category. I see the vision.
Just a quick reminder to the community, if you have nothing constructive to say, then don't bother commenting ;) Bashing creators from behind your screen isn't the solution to a better tomorrow!
Other than this PSA, I agree with what Ben Tossell said, you should put up a quick explanation landing page next!