James Jerlecki

Cymbal - Human readable block explorer

Cymbal is a human readable block explorer for Ethereum (and soon Solana). Regardless of your thoughts on blockchains, web3 or NFTs, one thing most can agree on is that blockchains are confusing. Everything happening on-chain should be more easily understood.

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James Jerlecki
Hey Product Hunt… today, we’re excited to launch Cymbal, the human readable block explorer! Blockchain, cryptocurrency, and web3 represent a lot of different things to different people. To some, they are exciting new technologies full of promise and opportunity. To others, they are frivolous platforms with no real utility or value. But despite those differing views, all those who love, hate, find amusement in, or simply ignore the entire sector can usually agree on one thing: blockchains are confusing. It’s reminiscent of the early days of computing when users relied solely on complex command line interfaces like Unix Shell to navigate the very first computers. Blockchains are currently in a similar “command line era”, where usability is still an unsolved problem and a huge barrier to cryptocurrency adoption. Fortunately, the computing industry would eventually create far more intuitive and convenient options for navigating computers; from graphical interfaces, to touch navigation, and now even conversations powered by AI to make computers accessible to everyone. We believe that can happen for the blockchain too. Our goal is to create something most humans can understand. We started with the most visual form of chain data, NFTs, and will be expanding our data platform to cover most types of transactions soon. All data is in real-time on the Cymbal platform. Currently, we offer support for Ethereum, with Solana launching in the next few weeks. Excited to answer any questions about Cymbal. p.s. we’re giving away an opepen NFT so make sure to hit the link.
Ryan Hoover
I like the "plain english" approach and hope more analytics/data mining tools incorporate this type of UX. Most people don't know how to write SQL, let alone more complex queries using multiple operators.
Kevin Lin
Congrats on launching! Tools like this will be critical for mass adoption. So glad to see such a great team helping to bring blockchain to the everyday person.
This is a brilliant idea that has been needed for a while. I can't wait to start using this more in my day-to-day work. Congrats on the launch!
Tarun Paliwal
Contraulations on your launch 🚀, Cymbal and team.
Wow, looks super awesome and how everything get´s pretty much done for me, what is going on...this really makes super sence because, ETH Scan of course but this is so much better and already a awesome tool too. Love it! Thanks for all the dope stuff you all are building! TOP