
curlx - If cURL and Postman had a baby 👶


curlx is a simple command line HTTP client that keeps track of request history, helps you organize your requests, run and test frequent calls faster and more. Use it just the way you would use curl.

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Hey PH 👋 I've always enjoyed the features GUI http clients (eg - Postman) offered like history, collections, ability to share requests etc. But I personally prefer using standard cURL for speed and ease of use. curlx brings the best of both worlds. Under the hood, its just a curl command, so if you are already know how to use curl, then there is nothing new to learn 🤓 curlx also provides a rich response - prettified along with response headers 💅 It's truly private. Every call is executed and logged locally in your machine. It's open source so feel free to check it out, report bugs, add features etc. Would love to hear your feedback!
Mike Coutermarsh
That the json is properly formatted is alone a good enough reason to use. Nice.
@mscccc Thanks man 😁
Joshua Pinter
Super clean. FYI, `cx` is shared with @cloud66's command line tool belt.
@joshuapinter Thank you! Ah interesting. I guess in that case if you wish to use both, make sure the `cx` by @cloud66 comes first in $PATH and you can use `curlx` instead of `cx` to use curlx.
Paul Blankley
This is sweet!! Good work. You might want to handle errors (500's / 400's) more gracefully though. I'm getting a gnarly "unhandled promise rejection" error instead of a human-readable 404
Thank you @pblankley. A new version (0.0.11) is pushed and that should be take care of it :) Appreciate your feedback 🙌
Paul Blankley
@shivkanthb Thanks! That's much better handling. What do you think about on error passing the error from curl back in its original form (so I can see the type of error 404 / bad gateway / etc)? I know that would help me adopt it, personally
Jordan Gonen
awesome shiv!
@jrdngonen thanks my man 🙌
Jonas Lundberg
Nice idea to wrap curl and let it do the heavy lifting. 2 years later and no release since. Interested in hearing why no updates, were you finished with it or it didn't take off the way you wanted?