Suraj Rajan

CulShare — Social Travel Photos Album

1. Showcase travel photos for a trip as a single album. 2. Anyone can view your trip & follow along with you. 3. Co-travelers can collaborate by adding photos on the same trip in realtime. 4. Create multiple trips and share your travel timeline with followers.

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Suraj Rajan
Do you love traveling? How do you share your travel photos? You might be sharing a few good photos on social media. Or if you go on a trip with friends, you would be using a shared google photos album. Would you like your followers to have an immersive experience by being more involved with your trip. Would you like your trip photos to include photos from all co-travelers and arranged together- that too with real time updates to all followers? Introducing CulShare. CulShare is a public travel photo album website. With CulShare, you can create a publicly shared list of travel albums. One album for one trip. The albums are collaborative, that means that you and your co-travelers can upload photos to a common shared album. Anyone can follow your album so that they get updated as and when you or your co-travelers upload photos. You can share your travel timeline with followers and they get updated whenever you go on a new trip or add photos to an ongoing trip. Pretty cool isn’t it. Try CulShare for free at
Very good project CulShare