Einaras Gr

CUJO - Smart firewall for your connected home


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Artur Fruman
I don't even care what it does, I want one because it looks epic.
João Antunes
So, does CUJO offer threat detection for directly wired to the router computers? how does it inspect that traffic? does it do ARP poisoning to trick the router to also send that to CUJO? What about wireless? I'm assuming that given the password it just sits there sniffing on it, is that correct? Also, privacy should be a concern here, how do you give any kind of assurances on that? do you send the metadata to your servers? does CUJO have the ML model that gets updated or does it rely on the 3rd party to assess the threats? As a security geek I'm curious :) and Kudos for the idea, this will be required more and more as we enter the IoT era
Einaras Gr
@joantune Joao, yes, we protect both wired and wireless devices. We act as a DHCP server on your network in order to inspect traffic. In our app we show flow data that is being sent to our cloud. That said, if we were to send more than packet headers (metadata) you'd experience significant latency. Also, our mission revolves around privacy and security so we wouldn't ever mess with that. We use our own ML algorithms and a few dozens of 3rd party threat-intel feeds. Thanks for the upvote!
João Antunes
@einarasg Do you need to disable the router's DHCP server then? how do you ensure that your DHCP offer is the one that is taken by the clients? sorry for the very tech detailed questions but the geek in me is screaming these out
Einaras Gr
@joantune No worries! Yes, in DHCP mode you'd disable the router’s DHCP server so that we are the ones to answer. In Bridge mode (modem > CUJO > router/switch) no such setup is required.
João Antunes
@einarasg oh, and it can be placed in between the modem. Cool! I'm a believer in this product, the idea and so far the technical details of the execution. You guys could also consider the Small and Medium Businesses segment, as security is seen there as even more paramount than in homes. You might have come 'too early' to the home security market as we don't have that many horror stories... yet! (they will show up eventually)
Einaras Gr
@joantune Thanks for the good wishes João! SMBs are indeed huge for us. Lots of pre-orders coming from professionals that need CUJO to protect their work.
Einaras Gr
CUJO is a smart firewall that shields all of your home devices against cyber security threats. Using a combination of cloud services, machine learning, and mobile apps to manage your network, CUJO's revolutionary plug-n-play solution gives you peace of mind while online. ***Why CUJO?*** With our homes full of connected devices we've become easy targets for criminal hackers. You read it in the news every day: baby monitors, smart TVs, PCs, and tablets - all hacked. Even the FBI director now tapes his webcam so as not to be hacked at home. So ask yourself, with your home fully connected, what is the most precious experience or data that is now open to hackers? And what keeps it safe? ***CUJO brings business-level security to guard your home***. When we see a new threat, we immediately notify all other CUJOs to protect against that threat. User experience (watch the videos as well): - Plug-n-Play CUJO with your router - Download our app which shows every device on your network - When we block a threat, we notify your app. *** Tech High-Level *** - CUJO connects either as a DHCP server or in bridge modem between your modem and router. - We collect meta data (packet headers) to run your network traffic past threat intel feeds and to build statistical models for what is normal. - We don’t block devices, we block malicious intent (source and destination). - We’re not ‘hack-proofing’. But we believe that CUJO is a unique system, an immunity system, for your home Internet security. You should still stay vigilant when online and you should still keep a free Antivirus on your PCs (although AV is largely ineffective in blocking today’s threats). - There’s minimal latency because we don’t do DPI, don’t collect full packets, and our hardware is a work horse. - CUJO runs a dual chip 1GHz processor normally used for IDS and servers. It has a 1Gb Ethernet card. ***About The Team***. Our team brings 50+ years of collective enterprise security experience (getcujo.com/our-story). We’ve started building CUJO in early 2015 and are shipping in June. TechCrunch named CUJO a top early stage startup at Disrupt Battlefield NY 2016. SXSX nominated us for their Innovative World Tech award. Our HQ is in Los Angeles. We’re very passionate about security and design. And yes, there’s a rabid dog in the wild also named CUJO :). Now on Amazon and GETCUJO.com. $99 for device, then $8.99/m for service. ***Hunters***, get $10 off when you buy on our site (use code ‘producthunt’) AND 180 days of FREE service. LINKS: SITE: https://www.getcujo.com AMAZON: http://www.amazon.com/CUJO-Smart... TECHCRUNCH: http://techcrunch.com/2016/05/10...
Taylor Banks
@einarasg you mention your team's "50+ years of collective enterprise security experience" and link to your "our story" page, but don't list any of the team's last names or describe any of your respective experience. As a well-connected technologist with 20+ years in information security, I'd love to know more about your team than just your first names. Can you provide a link to more in-depth descriptions of who makes up the core braintrust?
Peter Abraham
This product looks really smart. I want one.
Jan Ahrend
Interesting. Two questions: 1) Will it detect wireless deauth attacks, evil twin APs/MITM and in general war driving? 2) Does it support wireless device fingerprinting - as in 'an unknown device is in close proximity of your home'? I bet most burglars forget to turn off their phone's WIFI :)
Einaras Gr
@janahrend Thx for your interest! 1) Yes, we do local scanning for spoofing etc. 2) Whenever a new wireless device connects on your network, we push a notification alerting you. Your CUJO app allows you to disconnect such devices.
Jan Ahrend
@einarasg Awesome! 1) Would love to see that live. 2) That's not quite what I meant. Are you considering to support passive wireless fingerprinting for unauthenticated devices in the future (i.e. by listening to 802.11 probe requests from client stations)? This way, CUJO can know who else is in/around the house who is not 'trusted' (with your WIFI password). I think that's a smart way to take digital signals and learn about the physical security of your home. This could warn you in real-time about burglars or friends of your kids showing up to a party while you are gone over the weekend. Would love to hear your thoughts!
Einaras Gr
@janahrend thanks for clarifying. It's a great suggestion but one that we cannot implement in v1. Simply put, CUJO does not have an antenna. And I unless I misunderstood your question again, we'd need an antenna to do such passive fingerprinting/scanning. But yeah, that's a brilliant idea.
Einaras Gr
Thank you for the great questions and for so many upvotes on day one!
Ivan Tay
Thanks for connecting on Twitter. Interesting concept. I am particularly amused by the statement 'block malicious intent'. In my opinion, malicious intent detection is hard to do. But I guess if the false positives are not crazy, it would be acceptable. Love the idea on applying statistics on web traffic data anomaly detection. I'm working on something similar, but I call it digital storm chasing much like weather storm chasing. :D I use touchdowns and the trajectory of data to answer the question of 'malicious intent' rather than relying on outlier analysis alone. Anyway, all the best to CUJO!
Alex Spencer
This is pretty rad
Edward Jones
CUJO's cool! It is definitely a future of cyber security.