Stefan Petrovic

Chill N' Sound - Play and mix ambient sounds to boost productivity

Chill n' Sound is one of my weekend projects. It was heavily inspired by Noisli and ASoftMurmur and is in no way ment to replace them. I chose to release it here since people that tested it, after it was made enjoyed it very much. All feedback is welcome!

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Stefan Petrovic
@jvdmeij Hhaha yes, Noisli was one of the reasons i madee this. This app isn't ment to replace noisli it was heavily inspired by it, but for me it was a weekend project ment to be released as open source. :D
Lee Fuhr
@petrovicstefan @jvdmeij I mean, "inspired by" is one thing, but this is a 1:1 straight lift, isn't it?
Stefan Petrovic
@cozysd @jvdmeij As i mentioned in my first comment, this website is a weekend project that people who tested it enjoyed very much which is why i decided to give it a little exposure. Saying its a 1:1 straight lift isnt very accurate since technicaly websites work differently. Design is very similar, that i know, but once again that's due to the minimal approach. Minimal line icons with onecolor background. I can see how that could look as a rip off but considering this was never ment to be monetized, but in return released as open source so anyone can expand on it i don't see those similarities in design as a problem or plagiarism. Except that every single one of ambient sound websites looks similar to noisli, and even noisli wasn't the first one to implement that design. Hope you can see where I'm going with this. Also on the side note one of the reasons for making this is eventhough I personaly like and use Noisli, I also like some variety and this brings some new things.
Paweł Waraksa
Omg this is so sick! Awesome job! Can't wait to use it on Monday!
Stefan Petrovic
@pawelwaraksa Thank you for the kind words. Hope you will enjoy it! :D
Yiğit Pınarbaşı
It seems like it does not work on Safari right now. 🤔
Stefan Petrovic
@yigitpinarbasi Yes currently it does not work on Safari and IE. It will be fixed in a future update. :D
Stefan Petrovic
Chill n' Sound is one of my weekend projects. It was heavily inspired by Noisli and ASoftMurmur and is in no way meant to replace them. I chose to release it here since people that tested it after it was made enjoyed it very much. Hope you will enjoy this little app, and if you are a developer feel free to fork it and thinker with it over on Github. Note: IE & Safari Currently not supported.
Taha ahmed khan
Awesome minimal UI
Dario AppSapp
very nice.
Stefan Petrovic
@appsapp Thank you!
Erick Barron
I've wanted one of these but for my desktop. Maybe you can convert it into a desktop app?
Stefan Petrovic
@erickbarron86 That's a nice idea and actually something i had planed to do. Hopefully I will get to it some time soon. Thank you for your input!
Dilyar Askar
You have no idea how much I love the sheep. Thank you.
Stefan Petrovic
@dilyaraskar Hahahha its my personal favourite too! It sounds great with forest sounds :D
Pratik Shetty
I always wanted this as a web app. Finally someone made it. Great work @Johnnie Walker
Stefan Petrovic
@pratik_shetty Thank you for the kind words, however the idea isn't unique it was inspired by Noisli. You sould check it out too!
Josh Day
Very cool! To hack my focus I play songs on loop with Infinite Looper.
Stefan Petrovic
@galdubinski Glad you enjoy it!
Tommy Lionelli
FYI when I attempted to bookmark the page I noticed a typo in the page title* "Chill n' Sound - Relax with the sounds of Nautre"
Stefan Petrovic
@tlionelli Thank you for the heads up, it is fixed now.
Muneef M
Awesome. this is really a great product.
Stefan Petrovic
@muneefm Thank you very much!
Joel Dare
Looks cool, plays no sound on Chrome for Android.
Stefan Petrovic
@joeldare I will see to it. Probably a bug of some kind. Thanks for leting me know!
Trying to load it on Chrome but no luck...
Stefan Petrovic
@eboy Could you tell me what happenes so I could try and fix the bug?
Stefan Petrovic
@eboy What is your Chrome version?
Vivek Jaiswal

If you are someone who works with some music in your headset, give this one a shot.


It's mesmerising.

Immediate jump in concentration level.

With good earphones, the ambient sounds are even better


Loading time

Junaid Ahmed
It takes some time to load but when it does, you forget whatever happened at the start :]
Stefan Petrovic
@junaid_pervez So cool to see people are still discovering this project. It has been a long time since I made it and a lot could be improved but I'm glad you're liking it! :D