The page has the most up-to-date crypto videos in the world!
Derek Shanahan
Fluence — For those who work & play with digital media
Derek Shanahan
Seeing this more and more within the music blogger community. Basically a filter for submitting art/creative/songs to influencers, experts.
shamal ranasinghe
Thank you much for the mention! We're big fans of Product Hunt. Fluence was built for curators to manage the demands on their attention and help the creators of the world with their media. Startups use Fluence to get feedback and exposure for their company and product videos. Search for curators interested in startups and technology and share your YouTube videos. Fluence is pre-launch, but if you're interested in getting a beta account, send me a twitter message or email (shamal at fluence.io). We'd love to hear from you.
David Porter
Fluence rocks