CryptoCrowd - Get access to 180,000+ Crypto / ICO Investor & Influencers

Mail us to | Get access to over 180,000+ Crypto Investor & Influencers with 90+ segmented list including Investors, Journalists, Founders, Workforce, YouTubers, Advisers etc..,

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Lydia Sugarman
Pass. - $1000K for a list I can't download and filter? Really? - As a long-time Email Solution Provider, buying any list has always been a big no-no. - But, I believe we could write an algorithm or use Mechanical Turk to compile a list for less
@lksugarman - Thanks Lydia - Actually, on purchase, you can download the file in CSV / XLS file. There, you can filter the required contacts and reach out - In this video, you will get the better idea :
. Actually, for journalists lists itself - we searched over 700+ websites manually. For youtube - we searched over 3500+ channels manually. Also, yes, we use script to get data from websites - But, it is very difficult to acquire 180K+ profiles.
Lydia Sugarman
@g_moorthy Your gracious reply is appreciated. I thought I read that if was not possible to download or filter. I stand corrected. Still, $1K is a lot of $$$$
@lksugarman I understand
Jamie Gordon
@lksugarman @g_moorthy if it started at $700 it would be more reasonable because we all don't know what the open rate will be so $1k is alot to risk when you don't know the open rate.
@lksugarman @jamie_ross - Hello Jamie - Thanks for your message. Actually, we thought to sell it for only few companies with "Demand based pricing" with 1500USD as a inital cost - But for ProductHunt launch we reduced to 1000USD ;). When it comes to bounce rate - Email IDs are already verified with ZeroBounce.Net and it is categorized accordingly . Verified labels are safe to send emails.
Adalarasu Deivasigamani
Pros : - Big database with versatile categories. - Affordable and cost effective. Cons : - You won't able to filter and download.
@adalquardz I agree!!! - Thanks for the review Adal!
kieran Daniels
@adalquardz @g_moorthy Do we get the emails or do we pay you to send on our behalf?
@adalquardz @kierankyle - On purchase - you will get all the emails in CSV / XLS file . You can use any tools to reach out. - In this video, you will get the better idea :
Kaleem ullah
Is there any money-back guarantee? - I am just curious - Also, How you get these contacts?
@kaleem - There is no money-back guarantee. With this level of data , I dont think, you need moneyback :) - Also, I am planning to write one article regarding - How we researched and aquired this data. You will get the better Idea on that - I will keep you posted:) Thanks Kaleem :)
Hi everyone - This is RG Moorthy - Co-founder @ CryptoCrowd.Co. 😊 The world of crypto is rapidly growing. In this competitive Crypto market, It is always difficult to find right investors, advisors, partners, journalists, workforce, etc.., Collecting those data and reaching them takes a lot of manual effort, time and cost. This is CryptoCrowd.Co 💥🔥 With CryptoCrowd we provide curated list of 180,000+ Crypto/ICO Investors & Influencers ranging from Crypto Investors, Youtubers, Journalists, Partners, Advisers, Workforce to Hedge funds. If you are a crypto startup, This database will be a great resource for Investor Reach out, Marketing, Recruitment, Media coverage, User Onboarding, etc.., We understand - These kind of leads/prospects data are valuable only if it is consumed by few. So we plan to sell it to a few by "demand-based pricing" ⚡️⚡️As a ProductHunt offer - For 1st 25 customers, We give it in the discounted price of 999USD. After that, the price will be increased to 1500 + 50 ( for each sale ) like 1550, 1600, 1650, etc..,⚡️⚡️ Let us know what you think in the comments below. The CryptoCrowd team and I are here to answer any questions - Also you can reach us at "" Thanks for your support, 🤗
Petar Petrovic
Excellent Job, @g_moorthy. If I need only ICO founders data - how can I download?
@starr00891 Thanks Petar, At this point in time, you wouldnt be able to filter and download - On purchase you will get all the data ( 180K ) in CSV / XLS file.
Adalarasu Deivasigamani
I understand the "Demand based pricing" is great, but how can you stop someone from reselling this data?
@adalquardz Thnk you!!! - Actually, we provide frequent updates for the database - Only customers will have the access to it. With our policy - customers shouldn't resell the data
John McTavish
Second time in one year with this?
@john_mctavish CryptoReach doesnt have the ability to show the profiles on the website - With CryptoCrowd, We thought, it will helpful for customer to check the profiles with filter, search, sorting etc.., Also, we upgraded the data count from 52K to 180K. I hope, it helps.
What about GDPR rules in Europe?
@enguerrandpp Yea, I understand Enguerrand - Even, we dont encourage spamming the community. I recommend our customers to identify the target audience and create relationship with them before sending mass emails. We provide, social media profiles along with contacts, so it will be easy for them to reach-out personally.
Md Rahad
: @g_moorthy nice project - Am I able filter and download the database?
@md_rahad No :( - My apologies!!! - You can filter, but you wouldnt be able to download in the website - However, we provide everything in CSV file - You can filter with MS Excel . I hope, it helps
hossain ahmed
Pros: Damn Big Database Having Social Media profile Investors, Journalist, Advisors - All lists in one place Cons : No filter and Download Slow loading website No extensive filter options
@hossain_ahmed1 Thanks for the extensive review, Hossain, Really appreciate it - I will try to address the cons as much as I can
Vivek Daulat
pros: -nice -affordable cons: -not able to download
Thank you
Dani Estafeta
Great platform.
Matthew McCullough
I appreciate the focus on the crypto and blockchain audience. This is a very well done site out of the gate, which already has a solid foundation of discoverability. I'm sure it will only improve as it continues to grow. Congrats!
@matthew_mccullough Thanks alot, Matthew! Glad you liked it :)
annanda happy
Good project!!! - Do you guys accept only Crypto? - Is there any way to pay with PayPal?
@annanda_happy Thanks Annanda , Yes, we receive Paypal payment in some cases
Nick Bonnie
Great product!!! - I am trying to buy, But, it is not redirected to the payment page - Can you provide the direct link to purchase?
@nick_bonnie My apologies - I will look into it. Meanwhile, you can use this direct link to purchase : - Thank you!! - Let me know if you are having any issues
Vivek Daulat
nice product
@sukh_devi Thank you!!!
Sobita Das
Hello dear, For your business check out.
Jared Epicpower
Paint me surprised that there is no category specifically for Lawyers
@jaredepicpower Under the category :" Crypto Workforce" - We have the Sub tags called "Legal professionals" - You can find legal related contacts there :)
Bruno Skvorc
Wow this is so illegal. This is why I made
Which list you guys required most?