Andrew Ettinger

CrunchBase Pro - Advanced search, market analytics trends, lists, and more

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Ryan Hoover
I got a chance to see the new CrunchBase Pro before today's announcement. Very impressive, entering the same space as Mattermark and DataFox. The most interesting aspect is the 3rd party integrations which we'll be a part of, integrating Product Hunt data into their toolset.
Michael Babich
@rrhoover Isn't CB Insights in the same category too?
jager mcconnell
@rrhoover Thanks Ryan - love the partnership with Crunchbase and Product Hunt. I think the combination of our two datasets are going to blow people's minds. :) As for Crunchbase Pro, we think our combination of extremely powerful tools, affordable price point, and a dataset we've spent a lot of time making the best in the business will get our customers pretty excited.
jager mcconnell
@michaelbabich @rrhoover Yep there are a number of folks in the space. Obviously my opinion is biased as to which is better - so I'd encourage folks to just do their own comparison on product, price, and data and see which one fits their business needs the best.
Raphaël Chabaud
@rrhoover How do you quote other PH products pages like you did with Mattermark and Datafox ?
Niv Dror
jager mcconnell
@nivo0o0 Arrrr love me some data!
Raphaël Chabaud
@nivo0o0 Which software do you use to make this GIFs ?
Evan Kimbrell
I looked into using their API before and was kind of blown away by the cost. ClearBit had the same info and was a fraction of the cost. This definitely fits the bill though if you're just looking for one off lookups and not deeper integration.
jager mcconnell
@evankimbrell Hey Evan - thanks for that. Just making sure you know that we do have a free API that over 10k companies and developers use and we had about 1B API calls in the last year. You can check it out here: It's true that if you want the entire data set, there are a few different price points based on how you're planning on using the data (internally vs. external applications that you're monetizing).
Evan Kimbrell
@jagermcconnell Yeah it's really not immediately obvious from the site that there is a free API, what it has, and how you access it. I've been bouncing around for 5 minutes and I'm still not sure what's left out in the free version. Good on you for having a free version though
Deborah Kay
@jagermcconnell @evankimbrell very cool data set but agree that navigation could be improved. I was looking for the API and saw the Open Data Map but I want to be able to cut the data by category and I couldn't find pricing for Advanced or Commercial licence. I only saw the $999 for the internal data usage. Am keen to build Blockspring blocks to use with this dataset as Blockspring has MatterMark and Clearbit connectors already...
jager mcconnell
Thanks everyone for the upvotes! We're definitely excited around here. Just getting a chance to breathe after the big announcement. I wrote up a big ol blog post that some of you might find interesting around what we're most excited about with this release and how it came to be. One of the key tenets in building Crunchbase Pro was that we kept the existing free functionality available for all. We wanted to make sure that only the people who wanted the additional features would feel compelled to pay for them and the existing features that our users already know and love would remain free (and even get better). We're all pretty excited about Crunchbase Pro and would love to hear your feedback. If you've got things you'd like to see in the product or improvements you'd like us to make, please don't hesitate to let me know. Thanks!
Andrew Graunke
@jagermcconnell Love it! Thanks. As it so happens, I've been thinking about how to approach in-the-browser sorting and filtering for CrunchBase for the past few months. I even published an article on the topic (link below). Very excited to see progress in this direction. Usability note: On my first pass with CrunchBase Pro, I found the "Group Categories" vs "Categories" distinction confusing. My first few inputs in the "Group Category" field generated no results. I might suggest combining the two, applying more descriptive labels (like "Industries" and "Services"), or continuing to improve on the 'here's-what-you-must-have-meant-to-type-magic' which I found effective on "Categories" and lacking on "Group Categories" for the things I wanted to input. All in all, a celebration is in order. Excellent work.
jager mcconnell
@8ndw Andrew - that's great feedback! Agreed the the category groups/categories distinction is a subtle. There are basically 700 categories and we made an attempt to group them together into supersets so it was easier for a user to search of logically grouped companies. We focus grouped the heck out of the name of those things but didn't get a ton of good feedback on how to solve the problem. A hidden feature is if you search the Basic Info -> Description field you actually are searching name, short description, long description, category, and category groups. Of course, no one actually knows that :) We'll make this better. Also, loved your blog post! Lots of good ideas in there - many of which depended on us building the search/list functionality we just launched with Pro. Exciting times ahead!
Andrew Graunke
@jagermcconnell Also, thanks for your thoughts on the blog. On a similar note, I totally should have made the side-bar white. :)
Justin Clegg
Looks and feels a lot like ProsperWorks
jager mcconnell
@cleggskie We used Google Material design to inform many of our design decisions so you'll likely find a number of applications that have a similar look and feel in some capacity.
Wilhem Pujar
I like CB and CB Pro sounds like a smart move. But this AngularJS app deserves some optimization... And this Material UX is already driving me crazy.
jager mcconnell
@wilhempujar Thanks for the feedback - I'd love to hear a bit more about what you'd like to see differently and how we can improve. Do you generally not like Material UX? This is our first release so user feedback on how can we improve would be greatly appreciated!
Wilhem Pujar
@jagermcconnell Everything felt a bit slow overall, especially scrolling through large data tables. I generally don't like Material UX indeed but my main issue here is that a/ animations are pretty inconsistent and b/ filtering and sorting data don't follow best practices. For example, the "SHOW STATISTICS" and "EDIT COLUMNS" CTAs shouldn't trigger two different animations... From a UX standpoint, they are on the same level. Other example: clicking a table header should toggle ASC/DESC sorting of column, it's weird to have a contextual menu when clicking the down arrow. I don't think it's a good idea to display the filtering area by default either.
Richard Ginsberg
@jagermcconnell The pro product looks awesome, but comes at the expense of core product. You need to keep some functionality in core product to have people coming. Pro only feature to sort on funding dates is a bit much. What happened to the digest of news on 'follows' (goes straight to grid)?
Thierry Ajaltouni
Pretty cool product but the mobile app is just sub-par (no option to switch to pro on mobile and very limited data vs. the desktop version). In addition, there is little information on funds vs. @pitchbook (e.g., ability to lookup LPs) which I guess makes sense given that @crunchbase is better suited to lookup information on startups. I would buy a @pitchbook subscription if it was not so darn expensive/if the price tag was justified for personal use/interest (which is the case for @crunchbase).