The highlight of this app would be its writing feature. As we all know, writing by hand helps recall things and understand concepts far better than typing them. This is Lingvoji's prime feature. In order to get yourself familiar with a language, you need to write each word and phrases. The lessons incorporates other elements too such as listening to a word or phrase to get yourself even more familiar as to how it actually sounds. All in all, I find this app very fun and educational. It still has a lot of room for improvement but the developer is constantly pushing new updates making the app a lot better than its early releases. Definitely looking forward to how it'll evolve as its user base grows. Keep up the good work @pepperonisoft !!!
The highlight of this app would be its writing feature. As we all know, writing by hand helps recall things and understand concepts far better than typing them. This is Lingvoji's prime feature. In order to get yourself familiar with a language, you need to write each word and phrases. The lessons incorporates other elements too such as listening to a word or phrase to get yourself even more familiar as to how it actually sounds. All in all, I find this app very fun and educational. It still has a lot of room for improvement but the developer is constantly pushing new updates making the app a lot better than its early releases. Definitely looking forward to how it'll evolve as its user base grows. Keep up the good work @pepperonisoft !!!
Pros:Very promising app!
Cons:Still has a lot of room for improvement.