Kevin Natanzon

AI Ads - Generate winning video ads with AI using only the Store URL

Generate winning video ads with AI, using only the Store URL. Yes, that’s literally all you have to do. It's the first multimodal AI, combining models for text, image, voice, video, and more. Need Shopify example? Results are mindblowing.

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Kevin Natanzon
Over 10 years ago, I built an app for the recently launched iPhone. When I finished coding, and it worked on the phone, it felt like a mindblowing futuristic experience. The ability to build apps for your phone, connected to the internet was magical. After I tried AI ads for the first time, it crashed. Yes, unexpected. But after trying it for the second time, it worked. And I experienced for the second time the exact same feeling. With AI Ads, you'll see where the future of advertising is going, and where CreatorKit is going. Would love to hear your feedback!
Yousef Arif
Love that ❤️ Definitely worth a shot
Garik Khachanyan
Congrats on the launch! Nice job!
Dominic Mueller
Hey @kevinnatanzon ! Looks promising. Unfortunately none of the buttons on works. (Try it now // Generate videos // Start now) -- Can U help? 🤷‍♂️
Kevin Natanzon
@dmuellr working on a fix right now!!
Suleman Elahi
Not useable as of now. ProductHunt is not for launching broken/WIP tools and products. Please respect the platform and the audience.
Kevin Natanzon
@sulemanelahi2 Working on a fix right now! The whole team put all their effort through many long days and nights, believe me this is not a wip tool. Yes, it is currently broken given the traffic we got but we're working on a fix!!
wow...would this work for blogs, or only shops?
Superb work! Have been following you on twitter for long, hoping to learn from you and your team about faster execution :pray:
Adam Ledoor
only Support Shopify Store for now, was thinking. Ai add could create add for general Service Purpose, not only E-commerce.
Siqi Gao
This function is very promising! I hope it will be available with more platforms in addition to Shopify.