We've just created a bot for CoverLetterEmails that we hope will help anyone in their job search. The bot walks you through some common questions about the company, the job and yourself and then generates a random cover letter for you.
Hi there - We've just released a new feature on CoverLetterEmails, a bot that will generate a sample cover letter for you. We created this as a helpful way to get started when writing a cover letter.
The bot we developed asks a series of questions and then generates a sample cover letter for you. It is not meant to be the 'actual' cover letter you send, it is meant to serve as a template or guide that you can then customize and edit to fit your specific opportunity.
Since launching on Product Hunt about a year ago, our site has continued to move along and this is the first major feature upgrade we've released. The bot chooses from a series of cover letters that we've customized from actual job searches and tries to randomize the generated output and we add new templates every day. Enjoy!
If you have been running a big business in the Internet world, you will be sent a multitransaction email. Invoices, product alerts, order confirmations, password reset requests, and service update messages are just the beginning.
Hello everyone, this is how email marketing should work. From now on, you can use a transactional email system to send all your notifications and make sure they actually get into the mailboxes. Their tool is not expensive, you can send about 2000 emails for free. The interface is not striking, but you can easily create numerous lists by clicking on a few buttons.