Coursera is an incredible resource for anyone looking to grow their knowledge in a given field, whether for professional application or pure recreation.
Students all over the world are able to enroll and collaborate via discussions, meet-ups, peer review and more. A sampling of current course offerings include:
- Computer Security, Stanford University.
- Think Again: How to Reason and Argue, Duke University.
- Aerial Robotics, University of Pennsylvania.
- Chinese for Beginners, Peking University.
While a majority of the courses are free, Coursera has recently begun offering Specializations which require the completion of a series of courses and a capstone project. There is a fee associated with these, however, Financial Aid is available for students who are able to justify their need (honor system).
Upon completion of a course, students receive a Certificate from the University (via Coursera). Bonus: Coursera has built upon LinkedIn's API, so you can proudly show off your new skills right on your profile. π
@nivo0o0 I am currently enrolled in "Social Computing" and "Input and Interaction" from the University of California, San Diego. Both are taught by Scott Klemmer (@DesignAtLarge)--I've taken a few of his courses and he's a really great instructor. π
VC Puzzle