Kat Manalac

Courier - API, designer, and metrics for messaging & notifications

Courier's API and Studio enable developers to deliver the right message to the right user at the right time.
Free to use | No CC required
SDKs for Node.js, Python, Ruby, PHP, Go, and Java.
Automations | White-Labeling | Inbox/In-App | Preferences

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Troy Goode
Hello Product Hunt! The rest of the Courier team and I have been building an exciting new way to design, send, and monitor all of your app's user notifications. As you may have heard in my video above, we understand that notifications are difficult to get right. So much so that most of us aren't excited about receiving many of them. Today, we are proud to launch our single API to manage all of your messaging APIs and a clever, easy to use design studio. Courier's UI unites product and engineering to have power over their notifications strategy. Wuphf was one of The Office's funniest bits many years ago, but was also a surprisingly relevant idea. We don't want to miss important notifications, so it triggers alerts to your cell phone, home phone, email, Facebook, Twitter, and fax. Being plugged into every provider is the correct next step, but where they got it jokingly wrong was sending it to every provider at the same time. Our platform ensures notifications are sent through the right channel at the right time, minimizing distracting and annoying notifications. I'm sure some of you caught this last week. HBOmax -Integration Test Email #1 World famous, this team would have had a much easier time testing in Courier's test environment, before pushing to production! We would love to hear what you think, and encourage you to check out all of our API endpoints and Design Studio. Those are where the dreams come true. API Docs - https://bit.ly/2TZ9dy7 Design Studio- https://bit.ly/3j6o3NY
Abishek Muthian
@troygoode Congratulations on the launch! I've been tracking the problem of 'Notification Pollution' on my problem validation platform for a while now - https://needgap.com/problems/59-... . You're welcomed to explain how Courier solves that problem there, So those who need it can find it easily.
Micah Zayner
@heavyinfo Abishek, we enable app developers to centralize their notifications and provide a robust and customizable preferences suite for their users so that their notifications don't suck.
Abishek Muthian
@micah_zayner Good to know Micah, You're welcomed to explain how you enable developers to build products with notifications which don't suck in the aforementioned needgap thread.
❖ Aaron White
Big big fan of Courier! The first time I heard about it I had my “oh of course that’s how we should be handling notifications” moment. The product/API experience is extremely well crafted and followed up by insanely engaged and humane support. This team has been building quality features at a blistering clip, and has helped us eliminate thousands of lines of wonky code and templates, and our customers notifications are more professional than ever. So like I said, big fan :)
Micah Zayner
@aaronwhite Thank you Aaron, we are so happy we make the lives of the Blissful a bit easier :)
Troy Goode
Thanks so much for the support since (very) early on @aaronwhite !
Thomas Vanderstraeten
Huge fan of Courier, been using their product since day 1 at Canyon. Their team is shipping blazingly fast and very open to feedback. Courier is typically the platform that once discovered you can't live without. A bit like Stripe for payments, Postmark for mails, Courier now is part of my basic toolkit for any new serious dev project.
Troy Goode
@thomas_vanderstraeten "A bit like Stripe for payments, Postmark for mails" music to my ears!
Gabriel Ruttner
Congrats on the launch! It's been great building out our first notification flow to notify users when their videos are ready to review. We were up and running in about a half hour.
Troy Goode
@gaberuttner Hey thanks! That is great to hear! ❤️
JohnAnthony Eletto
We’ve been using Courier to send all of our notifications. The notification designer makes it extremely easy for anyone on the team to update copy and the level of support from the whole team is unmatched.
Troy Goode
Thanks so muich @johnanthony_eletto !
David J. Kim
Congratulations, this definitely seems to be something useful! As for you question, I think Amazon does a good job of reminding me of my deliveries. And Duolingo does a great job in the copy of their notifications. They're good a guilt tripping you to practice your new language!
Micah Zayner
@between_team There is a funny meme "when you order 12 things on Amazon and only get one shipping notification" "Oh yeah, its all coming together." They are great at notification management, especially with all of the different services they offer.
Troy Goode
@between_team Great point about Amazon's delivery tracking features – the newer versions of their app make that work really well. We have a few Duolingo fans here at Courier but I haven't honestly checked it out myself; sounds like I need to!
Carlos Diaz-Padron
We've been using Courier for almost a year now, great product, exactly what we needed, the team gets it!
Troy Goode
❤️ thank you for the support @_carlosdp_ !
Robert McLaws
I have been using Courier for almost a year now, and it has been a GAME CHANGER for our business. Building notifications for my apps has always been the biggest pain in the *ss. Having an integrated designer AND unified API to send my notification anywhere has allowed me to iterate faster, and change my notifications on the fly, without redeploying. I cannot stress enough how much it has fundamentally shifted the speed and confidence with which BurnRate.io ships our app. Congrats on the launch, @troygoode & Team!
Troy Goode
@robertmclaws Oh man, you rock. We love what you guys are doing and also really appreciate all of the great feedback you gave the team & I early on!
Noah Labhart
This product is long overdue, as engineers are remaking this solution over and over again. @troygoode and his team at Courier have created the ultimate messaging layer, to work seamlessly with your solution. My team at Veryable will be implementing the solution later this year, and we cannot wait to get it live in production. Kudos on the launch guys!
Troy Goode
Oh thanks @noah_labhart1! Glad to hear your team is liking it! Excited to work with you all as you dig in deeper.
Jeff Becker
You asked for apps that do a terrible job of notifications. I think Clubhouse is so incredibly overwhelming that people just turn it off, to the point where I'm missing great conversations in their app because I would rather not get any more notifications from them. When I did have them on, I was getting dozens per day, and very quickly stopped reading any of them. I think one app the does notifications really well is Headspace. Sometimes it not just a call to action, but a gentle or friendly reminder, something that doesn't require me going into the app to get value. Good luck with Courier!
Troy Goode
@jbecker really, really good call on Clubhouse. I just recently turned off my Clubhouse notifications because (a) there were way too many and (b) I got them at really, really strange times like the middle of the night. My engagement has now dropped off a cliff... Will check out Headspace!
David J. Phillips
Love Courier! Congrats on the launch Troy!
Troy Goode
Hey @davj ! Thanks for the support!
Dave Ganly
Great team building an awesome product. Def check this out if you haven't already.
Troy Goode
We should catch up sometime @daveganly. :-) Appreciate the support!
Neal Jean
We've been using Courier for over a year now, and it's probably saved us more pain (and time!) than any other single platform that we use. The product is getting better all the time, and @troygoode and his team are incredible!
Troy Goode
🤘 @neal_jean1 you and the team are the best!
Jesse Zhang
Congrats! Troy + team have been stellar; Courier was great from the get-go (we've been using them for a while now), and it's amazing quickly it's getting better.
Troy Goode
@jessez love you guys! ❤️
Benjy Messner
huge fan. congrats on the launch Troy and team!!!
Troy Goode
@benjymessner you're the best 💪
Virag Mody
This is really cool. Might consider using it. Thanks!
Troy Goode
@virag_mody Awesome! Let us know what you think if you get a chance to check it out.
Andrew Denta
Big Courier fan myself. We had started building our own notification infrastructure and it kinda sucked. When customers were asking for push notifications, I started looking around for a service that can just manage everything notification related, and that’s Courier!
Troy Goode
Hey thanks @andrew_denta!
Helena Merk
We've been using Courier for months and have nothing but good things to say -- Courier has saved our small team an incredible amount of time, allowing us to focus on our own product rather than notifications. In addition to a great product, the team goes above and beyond, constantly launching new features, and really prioritizing feature requests we've had. Thanks @troygoode and team!!
Troy Goode
We've loved working with you and your team @helenamerk! Thanks for sticking with us while we hustled to build out the features for your use case – we're really exciting by how it all turned out!
James Li
Congrats on the launch Troy! Truly a world class team and product.
Troy Goode
❤️ Thanks so much @jameslidotcom!
Mathew Pregasen
We use Courier for Quickcard.com and it's absolutely an amazing product. The GUI is easy to use, the Code is beautifully documented, and the analytics are an extra plus.
Troy Goode
Thanks @mathew_pregasen1! I really appreciate the support and love how great you always are about supporting other founders!