Omar Albeik

Countlit - Create & share beautiful countdowns to best moments in life


Countlit is the app for creating and sharing beautiful countdowns for your best moments in life!
See your events updating in realtime anywhere on your home screen with the new widgets for iOS 14

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Find the app on Twitter. Open it, find it 100% cool and useful. Discover the 5€ a month subscription. Uninstall the app. Guys, you seriously need to consider the subscription fatigue. I was ready to pay up to 5€ or even 10€ for a lifetime license of your app when I downloaded it.
Omar Albeik
@textoraxel Thanks for the feedback! Most of the app's features are usable without a subscription at all! However, I’m working on some cool features in the upcoming releases that will make the 5€ subscription very reasonable. At the moment I totally agree with you, I already reduced the price for the monthly subscription to 1.99€. AppStore takes a day or two to propagate the price change to all countries As for the single payment, it is not an option right now due to the continues running costs of the app Thanks :)
@omaralbeik thank you for your reply. I keep on believing your pricing as the lack of one time payement is a mistake since I would be an instant buyer of your app and this completely lost it. I’ll keep an app on your app that is looking really good !