We will help viners to save everything they created over at Vine. Not just only vines, but also followers, likes and revines. The more people connect their Vine account to Coub, the more likes, follows and revines will be saved. This is the tool to transfer the whole community to the new place. You can find more details here: https://medium.com/insider-coub/...
@3raxton Followers will transfer only when the user who followed will connect his account to Coub. The same with likes and revines (recoubs). Loops will not move because we don't want fake numbers. And we don't count loops, we count views instead.
@igladkoborodov that was my first thought when Twitter announced sad news about Vine!
Coub is the best place for the Vine community now. Excellent decision, guys!
@igladkoborodov that's great BUT when doing the import can i suggest that you automatically turn off the SHARE feature - i had over 100 posts go out in thirty minutes on sunday morning. was not cool. and yes, i know, your gonna say i should not have had the share on, sure. i'll take that but if doing any IMPORT should be smart to de-activate that. will save many hours of frustrated people messaging you, trust me! :)
So sad to see Vine disappear, but it's awesome that you are giving the community a place to live. I think COUB is a perfect match for those who want to continue creating short looped videos.
Foreign Ipsum
Foreign Ipsum
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