Coruscant Pulse - 4: Inquisitors and Alderaan
3 friends discuss all things Star Wars
James Mazza

Coruscant Pulse - 11: The Force Awakens Review! SPOILERS — The team discuss The Force Awakens in depth! Spoilers!

Alex Carter
Episode description: "**SPOILERS** In this episode Tom leads David and James through a round up of all of our predictions before things get heated with arguments about the movie. If you want to tell some of us that we're wrong, leave a comment on our Facebook ( or our Twitter (@coruscantpulse). Thanks for listening and we hope that you enjoyed your return to Star Wars films!"
Joey Cofone
This is like the Super Bowl episode for you guys! Can't wait to listen (first I have to see the movie)!
James Mazza
@joeycofone Get on that before you see a spoiler someplace.
Adam Kornfield
These guys always kill it with their podcasts! Looking forward to seeing the new movie
James Mazza
@adamkornfield Thanks so much. You have to checkout the movie!