Aaron Hanson

Contentivo - Tap into the social reach of your employees


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Hey Product hunters...founder here. We built this solution to make it easy for companies to encourage their employees to participate in social media promotions. Social media managers become uncomfortable when other employees get involved. Did they tweet with the right hashtags? Did they post the right picture/video on facebook? A lot of employees want to help but ultimately don't participate because of in-house social media guidelines. With Contentivo, social media managers upload pre-approved content and employees have the option of sharing it with their friends and colleagues. They also get points for sharing this content. These points could be converted into real-time perks & rewards by companies. We believe companies can use this solution to hire new talent, generate new leads, increase sales, improve brand awareness, promote events etc. Would love the feedback from the product hunt community and happy to answer any questions that you might have.
@priyabrat_m Hey! Just based on some initial browsing, I really like this idea. I work at a large financial services company and this is definitely a pain point for them. As an employee, it's super frustrating to get the "here is the list of company approved Tweets that we want you to use." That just makes me disengaged. I like the idea of earning rewards and making it easy for employees to help spread the word. I'll be passing this along to the social media folks at my company. :)
@jkent2910 Agree...in most cases employees don't get anything back in return...so we have added a point based system as an incentive. Will be more than happy to engage with your social media team to work on this.
Greig Cranfield
@priyabrat_m Awesome idea and great way to leverage employee referrals and their network. Strong work :)
@1greigcranfield Thanks Greig.
Ricky Yean
Reminds me of DynamicSignal, SocialChorus and some of Hearsay Social. I think employee advocacy is a great way to leverage social media, but I wonder to what extent is it a people problem and not a technology / facilitation issue. What's the culture of the company like? Is the social media manager able to create interesting and share-worthy content? Who is your ideal customer?
@rickyyean You are bang on in terms of the software category. You are right about the culture of the company...if the company has an extremely closed and bureaucratic culture then this might not work. Should be a perfect platform for companies that are transparent and open like buffer etc. Plus i think it's important that c-level execs and leaders also participate during the adoption of the program. That shows that the company is serious about this initiative. I think it's also a content and technology problem. Today most of us have created our own personal brands and won't push our bad content, even if there is an incentive. So you need to really brainstorm and come out with great content that employees don't mind sharing. Plus employees don't want to spend time on thinking about what to tweet/post and wish to comply with guidelines (this is where the tech comes into the picture). The ideal customer segment would be consumer brands that have an open culture. Think about social media promotions during holidays by 200 employees (you will most likely reduce your paid social media spend by 20% and still increase your organic reach by 10X). All large consumer brands that are currently not leveraging their existing social reach of employees can benefit.
Ben K. Ellis
Is Contentivo still going? Looks like the website is dead...?