Hey Product Hunt 👋,
I am excited to introduce Consumer Startups to this amazing community. Consumer Startups is a biweekly newsletter about how your favorite B2C startups found product-market fit and acquired their first 1000 customers. From time to time, I also do deep dives on unique consumer niches that have caught my eye.
Some past case studies include:
Curated -> How Curated used its unique expert-led growth strategy to supercharge its growth flywheel
Neighbor -> How a trio of college grads used growth hacks to solve cold start problem
Fishbowl -> How to think about growth for consumer social app
Beacons -> How to compete with industry incumbents in a crowded market
SnackMagic -> How a gifting platform scaled from 0-$20M in 8 months
Got some exciting content for the rest of the year. Subscribe now to stay updated!
Feel free to connect with me if you are also passionate about the consumer space!
I was probably one of the first subscribers. Since then, I’ve seen the community grow to many VCs relying on this newsletter for deal-flow.
Personally, it’s helped shape the thinking that led to my first product management job
I recall a month ago when a friend pitched a b2b social loyalty program for clothing brands like h&m. We worked through a number of the challenges ourselves but wanted insight into the best way to solve the gtm / cold start problem
I instantly pulled up the consumer startups piece on snackpass (still one of my favorite) and used it as a guide for how other social loyalty startups verified their hypothesis and went to market
That btw, was the time I realized I would be willing to pay for this newsletter - but I don’t have to cos it's free - hehe
Here’s the snackpass piece if you’re interested: https://consumerstartups.substac...
Leo is the guy. For a consumer founder, there's no better newsletter for actual deep dives on consumer startups. Excited to see where this news letter goes!
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Consumer Startups
Consumer Startups
Consumer Startups
Consumer Startups
Consumer Startups
Consumer Startups
Consumer Startups
Consumer Startups
Consumer Startups