Religion is rarely talked about in the Tech scene (science and faith are supposed to be opposites, you know...). I'm glad that Christians are able to contribute in Tech too.
I Am Second is an incredible organization that is inspiring people to live for God and others through incredibly powerful and vulnerable videos and testimonials. It's a great place to learn more about people's encouraging stories as well as connect with others who are in a similar place in life.
For those unfamiliar with the video series behind this app, some highlights include Brian "Head" Welch of Korn Whispering Danny -- a Kansas City tattoo artist -- and Bethany Hamilton --professional surfer--
@dannyrichman that's what I was initially thinking, but really I imagine target users self select based on faith, so while it's not my cup of tea it would at least be like a keyword that resonates with an arguably enormous audience
@dannyrichman@passingnotes Isn't that the point? There's such a strong bias against religion these days, the idea to have your message heard before people pass judgement is pretty logical. The irony of our modern day enlightened and tolerant age is that it has a bad habit of being selective of who to be tolerant towards.
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