Ellen Chisa

SaaS Agreement Toolkit - by Common Paper - Agreements, guides, and benchmark data to help you sell SaaS


A free resource for founders with everything you need to sell SaaS: Contracts, TurboTax-style guides to walk you through setup, and benchmarks based on 150+ companies to help you negotiate confidently.

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Jake Stein
Hi Product Hunt! Jake here, co-founder and CEO of Common Paper. Thanks so much @ellenchisa for hunting us! When running my previous two startups, I found contracts to be confusing, time-consuming, and costly. Thatโ€™s why we built a free resource for founders in a similar situation, offering the fastest, most trustworthy way for SaaS companies to create and understand commercial contracts. ๐Ÿš€ Enter the SaaS Agreement Toolkit! ๐Ÿš€ ๐Ÿ“ƒ A suite of standard agreements for every stage, including a Mutual NDA, Cloud Service Agreement, Data Processing Agreement, Design Partner Agreement, Service Level Agreement, and Terms of Service. ๐Ÿค– TurboTax-style guides that walk you through customizing the standard agreements, step by step with examples and tips. ๐Ÿ“ A Benchmark Report to help you make sense of whatโ€™s typical in SaaS contracts. Based on data from the proposed & signed contracts of more than 150 companies, the report provides context on the market trends for different terms and how they influence negotiation. For example, 85% of NDAs have a fixed rather than a perpetual term of confidentiality. Proposing a perpetual term decreases the odds of getting a signed agreement by 16%! Our vision at Common Paper is to turn contracts into APIs. A key part of making that vision a reality is helping more people use and understand standard contracts. Weโ€™d love to hear your feedback, especially about other types of contracts that youโ€™d like to see next.
Josh Twist
@jakestein Congrats on the launch. ๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿผโ€โ™‚๏ธ Active users of Common Paper here at Zuplo - saved us a lot of time landing big, tricky customers and I daren't think how much $$$ on legal fees if we didn't have this as a starting block. ๐Ÿ‘
Jake Stein
@molmorg Thanks Josh! Grateful to you have you and the Zuplo team as users, and congrats on your launch today as well!
Alexis Zhu
@jakestein @molmorg Josh! Great to run into you on Product Hunt, not surprised it's around a cool product! Hope you are doing well!
Rohit Gaikwad
Great approach! Looks fresh n simple. Congrats on the launch ๐Ÿš€ @jakestein
Jake Stein
@rohit8x Thanks Rohi! That's very much our intention to simplify this for SaaS & cloud startups
Ayesha Awan
This is an amazing resource for entrepreneurs! The contracts, TurboTax-style guides, and benchmarks are exactly what I need to sell my SaaS product. Thank you for making this available and congrats on the launch!
Jake Stein
@ayesha_awan1 Thank you so much Ayesha! That's definitely our goal. Please let us know if there's any other contract types you'd need and if there's anything we can do to help put these into action
Binay Singh
Very helpful!! Congratulations!!
Jake Stein
@binay_singh2 Thanks Binay!
Rich Watson
congrats with the launch
Jake Stein
@richw Thanks Rich! Weโ€™re really excited about it
Pranjali Bagal
Very impressive. Congratulations on the launch team!
Jake Stein
@pranjali_bagal Thanks Pranjali! Really appreciate it
Love it! Wanted to build this for years now ๐Ÿ˜ Looks great, congrats on the launch and good luck ๐Ÿ€
Jake Stein
@nadavwiz Thank you! A lot of us have been banging our heads against this particular problem :) Very excited to be working on solving it for lots of folks
Shomik Ghosh
Iโ€™ve seen a deal take 3 months to get to POC simply because the NDA was getting negotiated. Common Papar removed all this friction to allow deals to close faster, shortening sales cycles, improving cash flow, and making it easier for teams to focus on what matters (solving pain points not worrying about legal docs)!
Jake Stein
@shomik_ghosh2 Thanks Shomik! As you alluded to, accelerating sales cycles has a surprisingly large impact on growth. We ran an analysis and found that going from a four month to a three months sales cycle translates to 46% higher ARR at the end of two years https://commonpaper.com/blog/imp...
David Fraga
Great resource for anyone starting or growing a Saas business
Jake Stein
@davidfraga Thank you David!
Ryan Lunka
This is solving what is such an unnecessary burden for startup software companies. Rarely do you need something unique or differentiated to get started. Literally this saves you thousands of dollars. Great idea!
Jake Stein
@ryanlunka Thanks Ryan! Totally agree that standard contracts translate to huge savings. I appreciate the support
Shanea Leven
I'm so glad that this exists now. Legal is one of those things that needs to get done but typically outside of a founders reason for building the company. Thanks Jake and team for building this amazing resource
Jake Stein
@shanea_king_roberson Thanks so much Shanea! Less time on legal and more time talking to customers and building product is exactly what we have in mind :)
Martin Angert
Fantastic resource for getting deals over the finish line. Looks very easy to use. Love the approach - standards FTW!
Jake Stein
@martin_angert Thanks Marty! That's definitely the goal :)
Ellen Chisa
Congratulations on the launch @jakestein! Have heard such great things, esp. around the design partner agreements!
Jake Stein
@ellenchisa Thanks so much for your support Ellen! And yes the Design Partner Agreement has been one of our most popular
Matt Cameron
A time and money saver that will avoid unnecessary risk exposure! I'm sold.
Jake Stein
@mattcameron Thanks Matt!
Ryan Lessard
@jakestein and team are fantastic to work with. We're using Common Paper for CSA, NDA, and Terms of Service and all have saved us a ton of time.
Jake Stein
@ryanlessard Thank you Ryan! So grateful to have you and the Zuplo team as users
Adam Ingwersen Linnemann
Exciting launch! Will be getting this ASAP ๐Ÿ™Œ
Jake Stein
@adam_sorted Thanks Adam! Let us know if there's anything we can do to help
Alex Yang
Congrats to you and the team, @jakestein! This is an incredibly useful resource, especially for early-stage founders like me. Excited to see where Common Paper goes from here :-)
Jake Stein
@alex_yang4 Thanks Alex! We had early stage founders in mind when we built it, so I'm so glad to hear that
Alexis Zhu
Wow! Where has this been all my life? Sales and partnerships teams (and our legal counterparts) everywhere - rejoice!
fantastic, congrats on the launch!
Jake Stein
@jamesyto Thank you James!
Ed Sim
๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿผ Let's go @jakestein - closing deals at the speed of SaaS - there is PLG for users but this is what founders need to close deals quickly and not get stuck in legalese - the more of you who try this, the smarter and better your negotiations will be
Jake Stein
@edsim Thanks Ed! Really appreciate your support from day 1