Douglas Chen

Comma Note - A simple,flexible and offline note software.

Comma note is a simple, flexible and offline note software. It stores all your data in local disk. And it has notion like content block design to help you organize your note content.

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Good one. Congrats!
Douglas Chen
@basharath 😃 Thanks.
Olga Grigorenko
A great tool! An ideal platform for daily management.
Douglas Chen
@olga_grigorenko Thank you for your compliment. I'm very glad that you like it.
Aelita Сhervonnaya
it's a cool idea!
Douglas Chen
@ael_chervonaya Thank you.
Douglas Chen
Hi, I'm Douglas Chen, an independent developer. I have tried a lot of note apps in the last years, but can't find one really satisfy my need. Notion is great, evernote is also great. But I don't like my personal data to be uploaded to their servers. So, at last, I write my own note app: Comma Note. 🍉 Features: 1. Comma Note stores all your data in local disk, and will never upload your notes to any server. 2. It has notion like content block design. You can drag to add new content block and rearrange your exists content block. 3. It provides dark mode to protect your eyes at night. If your have any advice and problem, just drop a comment below or send an email to
Ayush Kumar