Kevin William David

Custom Crypto Exchange - Monetize your crypto audience with easy steps


Custom Crypto Exchange allows website owners and influencers to create a customised exchange and add it to their website in under 2 minutes with zero code, to help freelancers and bloggers and individual who contribute to the crypto ecosystem in monetising.

- 2 min setup. ZERO CODE.

- 75% Revenue share

- 300+ coins

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Ashish Singhal
Hi, I am Ashish Singhal, Co-Founder, and CEO, Custom Crypto Exchange is built for website owners and influencers to set up an instant exchange on their website and monetize their website visitors. Key Features: 1> 2 Minute Setup. ZERO CODE. 2> 75% Revenue Share. 3> Choose From Over 300+ Coins And 45,000 Exchange. 4> Customisable To Match Your Website Theme. You can get your own custom crypto exchange here: I will be happy to answer any questions you might have :)
Ashish Singhal
@abasa Thanks, do let me know your feedback :)
Anmol Arora
@ashish343 This is really useful. Even komodo which ranks 57 on CoinMarketCap is using it :
Ashish Singhal
@architrathi Thanks. Do integrate to your project and let me know your feedback.
Amit Singh

Loved the idea. Would be great if you can give an embed into your website feature.


Awesome Design, Quick Setup


None so far

Ashish Singhal
Thanks for checking out. You can checkout our widget which you can embed in your website directly. Otherwise you can use iframe to embed the custom page directly on your website.
Mohit Mamoria
I love the idea for what it can be used for. As a private investor in various ICOs, usually I have to maintain a list of which coins are listed where and their prices across the exchanges. This just makes it breeze to operate. Good job! 😎
Ashish Singhal
@mohitmamoria Thanks a lot Mohit :)
Yadunandan Batchu

It is so cool!

I had my custom blog hosted on blogger. Tried integrating them and the process was like a breeze. Just had to update my CNAME record and was live in about 15 minutes. Do checkout ( and exchange a variety of crypto coins for your favourite coin. (My favourite is #bitcoin :) )


It was very simple to integrate.

Absolutely no code placement - no hassle.

Allowed self-branding with logo and backgrounds.


Nothing seems to stop me to get this up and running on my domain.

Ashish Singhal
Thanks :)
Yadunandan Batchu
@ashish343 Welcome. I guess every crypto blogger would be interested in having this additional benefit to their custom domain! Thank you for a great product. Will look forward for much more!

Luanching my own crypto exchange without writing code seem to be a very good idea, I think you guys can provide a payment option button also so that I can receive any of the crypto directly into my BTC wallet.


Design seem to be excellent, would be easy to integrate into my website without writing a code.



Ashish Singhal
Thanks, we would be adding the payment option as well very soon. Thanks for the feedback.
Bilal Javed
Very good Ui. Easy to integrate. Good way to trade 300+ crypto currency.
Izara roy
Well!! Did you know? South East Asia's low fee crypto exchange zipmex exchange is giving free bitcoins to the australian users just by signing up. Take a quick look:
Paresh Chouhan

Skeptical over the pricing that the customers will have to pay.


+1 on design and use case.


No clarification over pricing .

Ashish Singhal
Thanks, Paresh. This is a free product. You actually earn 75% after you integrate it into your website and any exchange order is completed using the same.
Ashish Kumar

Keep going guys!


I like the way it has been developed, No Coding required to integrate with it. Really Amazing!


No cons till now.

Ashish Singhal
Thanks a lot, Ashish. Do give it a try and let me know if you need any help.
Pratik Moona
A visionar and a revolutionary product. Please add a feature to also create your own currency.
Ashish Singhal
@pratik_moona Thanks. Adding your own currency currently is not part of the roadmap but will let you know the updates once we release more features.
Siddhanth Jain
This is something really great, and i feel in coming time this cane be a real game changer. As a crypto enthusiast i believe this is revolutionary product.
Ashish Singhal
@siddhanth_jain Thanks Siddhanth, do let me know if you face any troubles integrating.
Molshree Ranjhan
How will the coins be exchanged, via a custodial or non custodial exchange? I am really scared of providing my customers an unsafe manner of exchanging coins.
Ashish Singhal
@molshree_ranjhan via non-custodian wallet. The exchange is completely safe as we are the largest crypto aggregator platform and we choose the best exchange based on price and rating of an exchange to execute your order. Being non-custodian service help us provide better security to the users funds.
Rishabh Pandey

Your product makes it very easy for anyone to setup their own exchange. The experience is very intuitive and benefits are great as well.


Beautifully designed, pleasing to eye and easy to use and understand.


None so far.

Ashish Singhal
Thanks a lot Rishabh.
Siddharth Jaiswal
Is this also available for non-established sites? Do you also have a white-label version?
Ashish Singhal
@sdrth_ You can add it to any domain, you just need to create a CNAME record in your DNS settings. We also have our public APIs with which you can build anything.
Ankit Arora

Overall a great experience in setting up a custom crypto exchange


Seemingly all cryptocurrencies supported, very easy to use


Would like some more customisation options

Ashish Singhal
Thanks, Ankit. We would be adding more customisations in the coming weeks. Will keep you posted.

Users like us who join these affiliate programs need to make sure of 2 major thing: On-time payments! and Dependability

So I had like if you had mention min payout on the landing page directly. I found my answer after signup on profile page though :)

The link which says "Powered by Coinswitch" should have my referral link or you should somehow have some mechanism to associate those users as my referrals, along with all users who signup on my instant exchange too.

Few suggestion on the Configure Section

1. Probably shift every selected coin at start after selection and show count.

2. Have a review page for coin maybe? scrolling through the list was a bit painful.

3. Would have helped if the coins list was sorted.

4. Would have helped if you had easier option to select all coins I had selected in "To Coin" selection to "From Coin"

5. Ability to select default selected coins.

Would also love if I could configure the selected exchange currencies and from amount via query string this sending targeted users to my instant exchange.


1. Great revenue share 🤑

2. Super simple setup 😎

3. Payouts in BTC 🤩

All had to do was link up the CNAME of my domain and tada..


1. No information about what is the minimum payout threshold and how often do you pay?

2. Scope to offer more customizability

Ram Mishra

I just integrated this into my website,

This is a very easy tool to integrate on website/blogs to launch our own exchange.


This is revolutionary, this is the way common man gets blockchain power in its own hands.



Ashish Singhal
Thanks Ram. Really appreciate it :)
Erline Martin

I am higly impressed with the design, easy, clean UI.


Quite and easy way to provide exchange integration


None so far, may be once I use more would come to know about ut.

Ashish Singhal
Thanks, Erline, for the feedback :)
Siddharth Jaiswal
@bentossell This could be a great addition to your zero code list on newCo? Would you consider?
leonidas varnavas
I like this idea, al ot! I will definitely try it on a new domain. A couple of thoughts: 1. "Powered by coinswitch" is a major turn-off for many affiliates (especially those with big audiences). Perhaps you should give it a bit more thought. I mean, why send your 100,000 crypto subscribers to a page where you risk losing the commission? If it says Coinswitch, why not buy from coinswitch and pay this guy extra? (valid customer thought). 2. If you are giving a 75% commission on producthunt, why don't you add an extra tier for producthunters who bring you new clients? Give the client it's standard commission, and the PHunter also a percentage up to the total of 75%(for both). Wish you lots of success guys! This is a great idea! Leo.
Ashish Singhal
@leanshot Thanks Leo for the feedback. Regarding 1: "Powered by CoinSwitch" is needed to let users know that the ownership of the exchange is with CoinSwitch and if anything fails then they need to come to CoinSwitch and not the underlying website. This helps the affiliate partners not lose their reliability when any exchange order fails. When people click and come to our website using this link, you still make the affiliate commission. 2. You can reach out to regarding the new client engagement and we can surely work on a model which works for you.