Coins is a free and easy to use tool to keep track of all your cryptocurrency investments. Create multiple portfolios and manage them yourself or with your team by inviting collaborators.
Cool app and does more to show me "portfolio value" than anything else I've found. But does the main portfolio page update automatically? Mine seems to update only few hours but tapping into a coin shows more current pricing.
Hey, I found the app while browsing the appstore a few days ago and been using it since then. Amazing job! The only "downside" I found so far is that I cannot change my local currency to Euro, any plans for that ?
Hi everyone, I'm Viktor Seraleev, the creator of Coins.
Coins is a free and easy to use tool to keep track of all your cryptocurrency investments. Create multiple portfolios and manage them yourself or with your team by inviting collaborators.
We have candlestick charts for each cryptocurrency coin, all market data, price changes, portfolio charts and many more useful data. Every week we are adding a new exchange by using their API and yes, we have our own servers.
For future releases we are planning to add automatical portfolio creation by connecting your exchange via API key and syncing your wallet balance by adding an address.
We launched just two weeks ago and growing rapidly. New features are coming every week! We would love to hear your feedback. Thank you!