The village is a peer-led community of solo founders holding each other accountable and building businesses. At the village, join virtual coworking sessions, accountability groups, and peer-led masterminds for free.
Hi all!
I would love any feedback on the village. I'm a solo founder, and I was looking for a supportive community that could hold me accountable, and I missed the peer support since graduating from an incubator program.
Anywho, the village is a peer-led community of solo founders who support each other as we build our businesses, and it's free to join.
I was excited about this. I went to join and it looks like the onboarding has been designed to restrict signups.
1. Don't try to extract my full name from me. I don't even know what your community is yet. Privacy is a thing.
2. Having a section on the onboarding called "why do you want to join?" and making it required seems crazy. It's a community for solo founders... I want to join because I'm a solo founder and want to be part of a community. Seems like you have hired a growth prevention officer.
@mickc79 Thanks for the feedback Primer! I'll look into disabling the full name not sure if that's possible with mighty networks. The group is public now, so everyone who had requested to join should see the link to get in without any questions. Thanks again!