Al Khan

3D Bay - Royalty free 3D stock images

Welcome to the largest free 3D stock image resource on earth!
At 3D Bay, you can find an assortment of high-quality 3D illustrations sorted into a range of collections and categories.
Feel free to download and use any number of images without attribution.

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Ghost Kitty
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Al Khan
@deniz_fox Appreciate it!
Al Khan
We were challenged by the lack of 3D stock images when we wanted to incorporate them into our website and blog posts. We couldn’t locate a single site that was dedicated to good quality 3D stock images that were royalty-free. So we decided to go ahead and build our own! Not only does this solve our problem, but this is our way of making a contribution to the community. We value our community as it is what drives us. Hence, we’ve made all images on our site free for all to use without attribution. We add new collections to 3D Bay every week. And they’ll ALWAYS be royalty-free. If you have any requests for new images feel free to add them here: Get updates on our new collections by following 3D Bay on Instagram, Twitter and FB!
Vladimir Demchuk
Delicious. There has always been a problem in finding such images
Al Khan
@vladimir_demchuk Hello Vladimir. Thank you for your support, we appreciate it!
Tommy Haislop
This tool looks very hip! it really awesome
Al Khan
@tommyhaislop Thank you for your feedback Tommy, glad you find it useful
Onu Ahia
I create a marketplace and its matches this particular product
Al Khan
@onuahia Thank you Onu, we wish you the best with your marketplace!
Nicole Clowney
Your designer is amazing! I really love this tool...
Al Khan
@nicoleclowney Thank you Nicole. Appreciate your feedback! We actually have a whole team behind this project!
Peter Iversen
Interesting, love the idea. Can you share any more details?
Al Khan
@peteriversen Thank you Peter, the site is pretty self-explanatory. You can easily search for a 3D image, download and use it on any form of content you're creating at no cost! If you have any specific questions feel free to shoot it here, happy to help!
Robert E. Clark
Looks awesome, will be using for sure
Al Khan
@robert_e_clark Thanks for your comment, much appreciated!
wali waqar
NIce, really wish there was more content like this
Al Khan
@wali_waqar Thank you Wali, not to worry we got your back. You can always place a request on our site for any new content you’ll like to have!
Vasilina Leushina
Oh, guys! I wanna your API integrated with our mini landings on Surfaces.One! It'll be a great fit :) Design is AMAZING! Do you have some plans for API?
Al Khan
@vasilina_leushina Hi yes, it is something we'll be defintly launchign in phase 2!
Arifur rahman
I am blown away by the amount of variety you have included. And it’s all really for free??? Unbelievable!
Al Khan
@arifur_rahman_d Thank you Arifur, it is definitely all for free! And always will be!
Moto Traveler
Awesome <3
Al Khan
@moto_traveler Glad you like our tool.
Gilles de Bordeaux
Very interesting. Thanks!
sina kheirkhah
Perfect Art works and easy to download. Nice! good job.
Nusrat Amin
Finally, a site that’s perfect for broke people like me! Thanks for doing this for the community guys. Appreciate it!
Al Khan
@nusratrias We hear you Nusrat, this is our little contribution to help everyone in your boat! Do make suggestions for any new collections you require, and we’re happy to help!
Anne Chan
This is so awesome!
Al Khan
@annechanchan Thanks for your reply. Feel free to add some image requests of what you’d like to see on the site!
Ghost Kitty
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Al Khan
@bandyliuk Thank you so much, glad you like it!
Vincent Higgins
This is a really great resource. I often need quality, quickly and this fits the bill.
reymond oab
Wow,so great. I like it so much
Andrew Alexander
Awesome idea. Great way to have stylistic art that you can use for articles, blog posts, etc