
invoice box (发票盒子) - Automatically collect and sort your invoices.


"Invoice Box" (发票盒子) automates invoice extraction from emails, texts, and links. It uses AI to remove duplicates, categorize, and store them in a structured way. When reimbursement is needed, it will automatically calculates and fills out expense reports.

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In China, an invoice (发票) is a legal receipt for business purchases, travel, and expenses. Collecting and storing these invoices is an unavoidable task for all customers and businesses because it is essential for tax compliance and cost control. 在中国,发票(Invoice)是一种法律的收据,用于商业采购、旅行和费用。收集和存储这些发票对所有客户和企业来说都是一项不可避免的任务,因为它对税务合规和成本控制至关重要。 Despite the existing large financial systems and expense control systems can help enterprises with reimbursement processes, individuals still have to sort the invoices before using these systems. After exhausting business trips or busy workdays, people must collect and organize their invoices to complete the cumbersome task of expense reimbursement. 尽管现有的大型财务系统和费用控制系统可以帮助企业进行报销流程,但个人在使用这些系统之前仍然必须对发票进行分类。在疲惫的出差或忙碌的工作日之后,人们必须收集和整理他们的发票,以完成费用报销的繁琐任务。 Based on this insight, we created a pre-reimbursement product: Invoice Box(发票盒子). 基于这一洞察,我们创建了一个预报销产品:发票盒子(发票盒子)。 Unlike most solutions that attempt to streamline the reimbursement process, our product focuses on the preliminary work of collecting and organizing invoices. Unlike most solutions that cater to corporate needs (and simultaneously torment employees), this product is entirely designed from an individual’s perspective, using a jargon-free, intelligent app to address their pain points. 与大多数试图简化报销流程的解决方案不同,我们的产品专注于收集和组织发票的前期工作。与大多数满足企业需求(同时折磨员工)的解决方案不同,这款产品完全从个人的角度设计,使用无行话的智能应用程序来解决他们的痛点。 I took a "foolproof" approach to the research—conducting in-depth interviews with dozens of people struggling with reimbursement in various coffee shops across Changsha. These included busy managers, university researchers with limited budgets, meticulous public officials, hardworking assistants, and new graduate students running errands between financial offices and laboratories. To further understand users' pain points, we even went to their workplaces to experience the reimbursement process firsthand, making mistakes, running pointless errands, facing disdain from financial staff, and missing the last subway home. 我则采取了一套“笨蛋式的”调研方式——我们在长沙各个咖啡馆里深度访谈了数十位报销困难户,他们是差旅繁忙的管理者、买醋的钱不能打酱油的高校研究人员、履薄临深的公务人员、以及千万辛劳的助理人员、以及帮课题组奔波于财务室与实验室之间的研究生新人……为了进一步搞清楚用户的痛点,甚至,我们去这些访谈用户的单位陪他们一起去报账,一起出错,一起来回跑冤枉路,一起被财务人员白眼,一起错过回城的最后一班地铁…… We realized why existing apps couldn't solve users' problems: our users are not finance-savvy professionals but ordinary people who just want to get their travel expenses reimbursed. 我想我们搞明白了,为什么现有的App不能解决用户的问题。因为,我们的用户不是那种懂得高深会计术语的专业人士,我们的用户就是那种「对财务知识糊里糊涂,就想把自己垫付的差旅费报销出来的普通人。」 To design a truly user-friendly product, we refrained from consulting financial experts. Instead, we viewed the complex reimbursement process and financial knowledge from a layman's perspective. We replaced professional terms with simple language and used the shortest possible process to complete tasks. We utilized AI and automation to perform many operations silently. Therefore, Invoice Box was co-created by developers with no financial knowledge and users with the same lack of financial knowledge. We were thrilled to find that we succeeded in making an app that even "fools" can happily use. 为了设计出足够好用的产品,我们克制住了请教专业财会人士的冲动(事实上,我们只请教过一次,但真的听不懂她在说什么),而是用普通人的视角去理解复杂的报销流程和财务知识,用最通俗的文字替代那些专业术语,用最可能简短的流程完成任务,用Ai和自动化规则让许多操作静默执行。因此,可以说【发票盒子APP】由毫无财务知识的开发者与同样没有财务知识的用户,一起艰难探索和共创出来的产品。 我们惊喜的发现,我们做到了,让这个APP是“笨蛋们”也能开心使用的APP。 Since this is an app aimed at Chinese business professionals, I guess it might be challenging to receive praise on Product Hunt. However, I still hope that if you have friends in China, you can tell them about this great product that can help them. Thanks to everyone.