Cirka helps you create a budget, and removes the complexity of personal finances. Everyone should be in control of their money. Add your expenses, income and accounts to get useful insights that help you manage your everyday finances.
Hi! I'm so excited to launch Cirka!
Having worked with digital product design for many years, I finally made the jump into app programming! The idea for Cirka came after many years of trying to make sense of my own finances, and struggling to find a tool that was built for me. A normal human being, not an accountant.
So I built this for me, well, for us. I hope it helps you make sense of your personal finances, and please do let me know if you like the app, or have suggestions to make it better!
You can write me on:
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Just download and try, love the design, only for monthly? What about one-time for the bank & expenses/income. Also can you add different multiple currency?
@fajarsiddiq Thank you :) The app is focused on recurring expenses. I am definitely working towards handling individual payments also.
Multiple currencies is noted, but I am not sure if/when it will be added to the app.
@britt_joiner Thank you :)
It does not connect with bank accounts yet. It might someday, but it does not seem like anyone has succeeded in analysing transaction data automatically in a way that is reliable and correct.
So its going to be manual for now :)
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