Chipmunk WordPress Theme is tailored to meet the increased demand for curated content. Carefully crafted with the user in mind, to aid in great content discovery.
Greatly inspired by awesome sites like and
I could’ve never imagined people would be so inspired with Startup Stash to actually build dozens of copy’s for other subjects, let alone build a whole WP theme to make it easier! Thanks @piotrkulpinski and @janwennesland, I think myself + @bentossell and @craigjbarber (and the other awesome people who've created their own stash) would've had much help with this theme!
@joshuapinter Great idea! We'll definitely add that in future versions and will combine that with view counters to calculate the overall resource popularity. Thanks!
@mrahmadawais Hi Ahmad! Thanks for commenting. I think there's plenty of space for those kind of products. Especially nowadays, when we need content curation more than ever, with everyone posting and producing something on the Internet. Anyway - good luck with your product! Wish you the best! ;)
@sliver86@janwennesland I posted some plans for the theme here already, but we've listened to our customers and grown our feature list recently. Currently, we're planning on adding such features:
- Add JavaScript validation for newsletter and submission forms
- Allow to add custom fields to resource submissions
- Add filtering options on resource listing pages
- Add ability to sort featured resources
- Implement "upvote" button for resources and combine it with views to calculate resource popularity
- Add image upload option to user submission form
- Add ability to change "visit website" label per item
- Allow to add longer resource description
- Implement simple blogging functionality
- Implement Contact page template
- Implement FAQ page template
Hey guys,
A huge thanks to @bramk for hunting us, the godfather of curated sites!
Chipmunk Theme was co-created with @piotrkulpinski in response to the increased demand for curated content. Carefully crafted with the user in mind, to aid in great content discovery.
We believe everyone should have the possibility to collect and share their best online resources with ease.
Let us know what you think 😄
@janwennesland bought. Haven't gotten a great chance to play with it since we are harvesting soybeans but any chance in future update the ability to change on a per item level the "visit website" button?
@ebrahimkhalil Thanks for asking! We use a custom post types keep the resources simple and easily manageable. We also use the custom taxonomies to store Resource Collections and Tags (used for pulling related content).
I think it's a good idea to show you the list of future ideas we're planning to implement and the direction that this product will be going. Aside from the latest suggestions that were given by Product Hunters, we're planning to add following features:
- Implement an ability to add custom fields to resource submissions (let's say someone wants to build a directory of curated WP themes and wants to display their price somewhere, so extra field to enter resource price would be helpful).
- Add some kind of filtering on resource listing pages (this will make sense when we have some more advanced custom fields ready - see above)
- Implement new page templates (Contact, FAQs and maybe some others)
- JavaScript validation for newsletter and submission forms
- Allow to add longer resource description
- Add ability to sort featured resources
Please keep the suggestions coming as they'll help us make the theme as good and user-friendly as possible.
And thanks for the great feedback so far!
Hi everyone.
Thanks @bramk for the hunt and @janwennesland for an awesome collaboration!
We made sure the theme is properly tested but if you spot any issues I'm here to help.
Also, if you have any questions of suggestions regarding the theme or our landing page - let me know and I'll try to answer.
Any feedback is highly appreciated!
@piotrkulpinski thanks - and nice work - any chance you could allow users to include an image in submissions to ease the burden on curators and admins?
@passingnotes Great idea! Actually we received the same suggestion through the email recently so it's going to be added in the near future for sure! Thanks!
just purchased and can't wait to play with it when I get the chance! I couldn't find any info from the manual or site about the licensing? @piotrkulpinski@janwennesland
@yougeekybastard thanks for purchasing! Much appreciated. We are currently looking into licensing. We will get back to you shortly in detail. In the meanwhile, have fun :)
@yougeekybastard@janwennesland Hi Tini! Thank you for purchasing our theme. Sorry it took us so long to respond!
Of course, every WordPress theme is sold on GPL license so you can use the theme on how many sites as you want.
Let me know if you have any other questions.
Idea Stash