Jeff Needles

Microsoft HoloLens Dev Edition - The first real holographic computing platform, for devs.

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Bruno Lemos
Today's awesome hololens gaming live demo:
Awesome! Finally we've heard more about the dev release. What is disappointing is the fact it is only available to those in the US or Canada (Aussie here).
Sameer Kapur
The price is pretty high for a Hololens dev kit. I was expecting somewhere around $1,500-$2,000. Still a very exciting product though!
ben Watanabe
Looks great! I can't imagine doing dev/design for it though, makes "multiple screen sizes" sound like the weakest complaint ever, when thinking about the infinite room sizes and configurations.
What OS does it run on? Can I run all of my Win10 desktop programs? Does the unit overheat?
Jeff Needles
Today Microsoft announced the development edition of its HoloLens. The HoloLens had very favorable reviews from its brief earlier this year... now devs can order one (for $3,000) to work with. Read more:
Dmitry Semiriazhko
Looks cool but Microsoft never do very best. and $3,000 looks wired