Peter Warbo

CheezyCam - Cuz’ it aint eazy bein’ cheezy

Are you tired of always acting like a clown when trying to get the attention of your baby, cat, dog or whatever you're trying to photograph?
That’s why we created CheezyCam, to help you capture the best photos of your loved one’s.

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Peter Warbo
Hey cheese lovers 👋 On the festive occasion of National Cheese day, I'm pleased to announce the release of CheezyCam. Are you tired of always acting like a clown when trying to get the attention of your baby, cat, dog or whatever you're trying to photograph? That’s why I created CheezyCam, to help you capture the best photos of your loved one’s. I got the idea when I became a father and realized how hard it is to get the attention of my daughter when I was trying to take a photo. Making grimaces helped for awhile but soon she got used to them and I wouldn't get her attention anymore. So I got the idea of making a camera app which plays a sound of your selection when holding down a button and upon releasing it will take a photo. Tada! CheezyCam was born. CheezyCam is not limited to baby photos, it works like a charm with animals as well and you can get some surprised faces when taking a photo of your friends. Try it out for yourself! Feedback is greatly appreciated and I'm happy to answer any questions you might have 🙏 As a treat for you product hunters, here are 30 promo codes to unlock PRO: HYMP4YWT77XY KAWJAANPMFNN FAY6LAXKYYFL ME3KNA6HYR4F 4F3676TWL996 74TNLELANPNY 7F4MAXF649NL 6JPT4J6FRNAJ TN4W4K9XNYNK J4R3P7NLR34N THHHJ4L4PL67 H4TKNYM9AYRA XKNAJLWJEMNM PRXHL4MJAXWT 4XJAJ6WYTPYH EF7KFR9Y4LYN N96FHLA4NFTA 9KTLFNRFYMRK RWJ4YNWLKMRH KMEM7HWHPHK6 7REW6JYEP7E9 PWP4MFJHJXRY YFP7YWRX4KEL HEXLA4L6HM7X 3X6TRPNLYHRA PY3APR7JFTR9 43XFWKK6XJR6 FHFJMLY4RRN7 YYPWKLYPH43N TX943PAXLLMW