Gabe Perez

New ChatGPT Image Generation is INSANE. What have you created?

Okay, so I know everyone's feed has been taken over by the Studio Ghibli but I'm curious what else people have been able to create or seen that's really left an impression. Here are some that I've created! Also on X.

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Pranay Bansal

Okay...What. I actually feel bad for the photographers now

Gabe Perez

@pranay12 I was inspired by photography! I honestly don't think AI can replace real, creative, photography. But it does do a an insane job replicating standard shots.

Pranay Bansal

@gabe That is true. I one-hundred percent believe creativity is where humans will always beat AI

Siddharth Pereira
@gabe unfortunately it’s just a matter of time in this space. I’d come back to view this comment in 8 months.
Sergei Zotov

All I'm thinking is that social media platforms should make a validation system that flags that content as AI-generated. If they don't do this, there will be a lot of misinformation presented realistically. That leads to fraud, political agendas, etc.

Tania Bell

@zot hear hear

Tania Bell

really cool images, @gabe

André J

LOFI girl. I asked for a real human, but you get what you get I suppose 😅

Matt Carroll

@sentry_co I love the meta that there is like a youtube screen on the laptop

Stain Lu
Launching soon!

@sentry_co can you tell me how to attach pictures to the post?

André J

@catt_marroll We can finally see what lo-fi girl had on her computer all along. It was a video of her self, infinitely 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀

André J

I guess no more studio Ghbli from now on tho. Some one told them 😂: OpenAI today: "I wasn’t able to generate the Studio Ghibli-style lo-fi girl image because it violates the content policy. If you'd like, I can create a similar cozy study scene in a different hand-drawn or anime-inspired style. Let me know how you'd like to proceed!"

Gabe Perez

@sentry_co I think Miyazaki is low-key not happening and there are probably some closed door talks right now. But the output quality was seriously impressive.

André J

Yes!!! paradigm shifting impressive IMO. It changes a lot. And not just with arts. But human culture on so many levels. There has been movies already produced with Ghibli style for less than 300$ in token credits. And I would watch them if the script was better.

Tomina Veronika

I made a surreal desert landscape with floating whales and it actually looked like an art print 😳 Never thought AI could get that close to my imagination.


Oh great, now photographers gotta compete with AI too? 😅 NGL, that girl's left eye (the one on the left side) looks kinda... off? Or is it just me?

Kay Kwak
Launching soon!

This seriously looks like work from a skilled photographer!
Of course, there’s room to grow, but it’s already super impressive and innovative.

Stain Lu
Launching soon!

ghiblified my dog lol

Vera Laanser

that's soooooo naturally!! but it's a little bit creepy to me when you can barely recognize which is AI content.

James Cooper

The overall style of these photos is beyond imagination, and it feels very close to the results produced by a professional photographer.