Thanks so much for posting this episode of Chasing Product! I feel like the show is on a strong streak lately, and am especially proud of this episode.
I had planned to get Steli to share some nuts & bolts sales tactics for small-timers like myself. The universe, however, thinks it's cute when I make plans - Steli was in the mood to talk mental game, and it was gold, so I rolled with it and it turned out great.
Anyone with any questions about this episode, or about the podcast in general, ask away! I'll stick around a while so as to chat with you all.
I'm only about a third of the way through the episode (my commute is "only" 25 minutes), but already love the interview. Steli is really well spoken, and I appreciate his candid sharing of his journey.
@gelform Hi, Corey. Agreed, even knowing that Steli is fairly polished in his messaging, I didn't expect him to be SO adept at phrasing things in such a way that they made perfect sense even to an engineering-type with weak sales muscles like me. :)
What I noticed about Steli in that way - and this is evident even in those older, unpolished interviews - is that he's able to see directly to the core value of whatever it is he's talking about, and address it. I envy that ability to trim the fat off *before* the words come out (more than one person has accused me of being a tad wordy).
We went a bit longer than I like with this episode, so it may take you 3 commutes to get through all of it. But I promise it's worth it!
I really appreciated that you turned the focus on yourself for a bit of this one and used yourself as a sort of case study. And Steli did the same. That was really interesting. Good episode!
@joshdoody Thanks, Josh. It's interesting that you say that - I've received listener e-mail over the past 2 years both complaining that I talk about myself TOO much, and that I don't talk about my own projects enough!
Talking to Steli was really, really timely - even if I had been inclined to not address the "lost client" issue, it was too perfect an opportunity to teach/learn; I would have been ripping off the listeners by NOT talking about it. :)
Glad you appreciated it, I sometimes wonder just how open & vulnerable to be on the show. And Steli TOTALLY got it. Just hearing him say that he still experiences anxiety over these sort of things was really helpful.
This episode is interesting to me because Chris seems to go off-format and just allow himself to soak in what @Steli had to say. I assume this is due to getting kicked in the ribs by his client right before the call which, overall, added a raw personal element that tends to be missing in a lot of interview shows. Nice episode.
@nichediver Hahahaha. Yeah, I went WAY off-format, not so much because of the client trauma (although that didn't help), but more because once I saw what direction Steli was heading in naturally, I didn't want to mess with it. Guest control is only an issue if they're going off-topic in a way that's not valuable. This, however, was fantastic. I have a keen interest in industrial psychology myself, so if guest is going to drag me off-format, this is a welcome way to do it!
This is a great listen. I was especially struck by the part about shifting one's thinking around important life goals, taking the long view instead of rushing to knock them out.
Freelance Transformation - Finding and Closing Big Clients
Freelance Transformation - Finding and Closing Big Clients
The path to Lean Enterprise
Freelance Transformation - Finding and Closing Big Clients
Freelance Transformation - Finding and Closing Big Clients